#4: i'll walk past your classroom everyday until i'm eighteen

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I'll walk past your classroom

everyday until I'm eighteen if I have to,

just to make sure you don't forget me

like you forget your keys.

I kept the paper you scribbled my name on

because I've always adored your handwriting,

and the way you say my name.

[although, I adore everything about you anyway].

I walk past your classroom everyday,

even though I'm only fifteen.

And because I know you'll never look up

from your cellular screen,

I walk slow

and I admire your face,

and your shape,

and what colour tie you wore today.

I try to take a mental picture

just to make sure I never forget,

because maybe if one of us forgets

but the other remembers,

there will always be one to remind the other

of their existence. 

Then maybe – 

just maybe,

there is always a chance that a spark will light.

                                                        * * *

        I wrote this because I have a ''small'' crush on my teacher, 
        (whoopsies), but since I haven't been in his class, I make
        sure to go to my friends locker where I know I'll pass his
        room. I take a few seconds to look in and just admire him
            before I move on with my day. I'm bad at letting go.

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