Chapter Four

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Tuvok sipped his tea and studied the PADD in his hand with half a mind as he sat in the crowded mess hall during the morning rush. In the weeks since his mind-meld with Suder had forced him to come face-to-face with the darkness that lurked within him, he had gained a deeper appreciation for the traditions of his people as well as a strange kind of empathy for the rest of the Voyager crew. Though they did not experience the deeply passionate and turbulent levels of emotions that were part of the Vulcan psyche — emotions that had nearly destroyed their race before their embrace of logic saved them — they managed to keep themselves on an even keel under very trying circumstances. Tuvok wondered if he would be able to adjust so well were he stripped of his emotional control and unable to regain it.

His musings led him naturally to consider Lon Suder and Ensign T'Loran. Since the second mind-meld, Suder had become much more controlled, rational, and empathic. He was able to experience guilt and remorse for his actions and often expressed a desire to make some kind of restitution. He accepted his permanent confinement to secured quarters without complaint but desired to be able to do something useful so as to not be a drain on the ship's resources during the long voyage back to the Alpha Quadrant. He had also expressed a wish to help Ensign T'Loran with her own telepathic abilities. Sipping his tea, Tuvok pondered the best way to broach the fraught topic with the woman. Logically, having a Betazoid tutor would be the best solution. However, he did see that she might find it difficult to lower her guard enough for such a situation to be viable. Perhaps, in time, she would be able to accept Mr. Suder's offer.
Glancing over, Tuvok saw T'Loran and Vorik enter the mess hall together. He wondered at that. The two of them had been spending an increasing amount of time in each other's company since her attack. They did work together and, having gone over her history and records, Tuvok could understand that the two of them might naturally see each other as fellow Vulcans on a ship dominated by humans. Thus far, they had done nothing inappropriate — friendships between crewmembers of equal rank were not forbidden — but he was unsettled by the idea that there might be more going on between them. The two of them gathered their trays, received their meals from Neelix who, knowing they were both vegetarians, had prepared protein-rich salads for them and pressed a nutrient-dense soup on T'Loran.

"It would do you good to eat it," he heard Vorik say telepathically. "Our sessions leave you drained and you will require a higher caloric intake as well as an increase in folic acid and vitamin B."

"It smells heavily of capsaicin," T'Loran sent back. Tuvok's eyes widened in surprise.

"I have noticed that Mr. Neelix attempts to add his own artistic touch to any dish he prepares," Vorik replied mentally. "I supplied the parameters of this soup but he has taken the liberty making some minor adjustments. I do not believe they will impact its purpose, though."

"It is not your digestive tract that will be suffering the effects of Mr. Neelix's 'minor adjustments,'" T'Loran quipped.

The two ensigns sat down at an empty table and continued their telepathic conversation as they dined. Occasionally, T'Loran struggled to hold up her side, broadcasting images or sensations instead of words or imbuing her words with more than she obviously wished to communicate — a common occurrence when Vulcans were first learning to communicate telepathically. They were both also broadcasting their conversation so that any telepath could 'hear' it — another event frequent to Vulcan children early in their training. Tuvok, feeling more and more as if he were eavesdropping, rose from his seat and walked over to them. They both moved to salute him but he gestured for them to remain sitting. "As you were, Ensigns," he said aloud. "You may wish to shield your conversations better so that not everyone can hear them," he added mentally to both of them. T'Loran gaped and then flushed bright red, looking down at the table. Vorik, on the other hand, appeared a trifle annoyed. He managed to control his expression better than T'Loran but the tips of his ears had a distinct green tint to them, indicating some degree of anger.

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