I Don't Really Like Boys

Start from the beginning

She's tall, like, really tall. Almost as tall as Logan. She used to be skinny but now she has curves, which looks so much better, by the way. Without the highlights, her brown hair looks so healthy and shiny. Of course, there's those trademark Richards' blue eyes.

Hally just laughs at me and pinches my cheeks. She used to do that a lot when I was little. She said that I had such "chubby cheeks" and that she "couldn't help it."

After painfully pinching my cheeks, she says, "Me too! I missed my little Bon-bon. And, my, have you grown to be a teenager."

I laugh at her comment and say, "Eight years does that to you, darling. I wasn't going to stay small forever."

She looks me up and down. I'd feel self-conscious about that if it were someone else who did that, but it was Hally, the chick who basically dressed me up for fun.

She starts gaping at my breasts and that made me self-conscious. "You have boobs! You finally have boobs!"

Blushing a little at her comment, I say, "I wasn't exactly old enough to have boobs when you left, Hal."

She just chuckles. "What size are you, exactly? I mean, I'm a C but you look borderline C too."

The forwardness of this chick is just so amazing and admirable sometimes.

We hear someone clear their throat, and I turn to look at Logan. He's just staring at me with eyes so intense. Wow. That sounded really clichéd. What the hell?

I forgot about Kiley for a moment there. She kind of looks like Hally, except shorter. She got her mother's blond hair instead of her father's dark hair. She looks really pretty. She'll probably grow into a lady with a thousand suitors one day.

I walk up to Kiley and I open my arms out for a hug. I mean, she may not remember me much but I clearly do. I used to play with her a lot because, sometimes, Hally would have to babysit me, Logan, Cassie, and Kiley all at the same time. I guess that's what you get when your parent's are really close. Not to mention, we live a few houses down.

She smiles at me then hugs me.

After I hug her, I say, "I'm sure you don't remember me but you used to play with me and my sister a lot."

She lightly laughs and says, "I don't remember much, but I do remember playing with someone who was around us a lot. I'm guessing it was you."

We just carried a light conversation until Mom called all of us because the food was ready. It didn't take that long, which was a relief. My stomach is making pretty funky noises.

Since we were all pretty much not going to fit on a six person dining table, the kids - teenagers, except for adult Hally - had to sit on a small portable table that my Mom recently bought.

Hally forced me to sit beside her, while Kiley and Cassie sat side-by-side. I'm guessing those two will rekindle their short-lived friendship. Logan, the only boy at the table, sat at the head. Poor, poor boy. If only my brother was here to chat him up about boy things.

My half-brother, Blake, is in his third year of college right now. You're wondering why he's my half-brother, right? Well, Dad, our Dad, had a wife before Mom. That wife is Blake's Mom. He's three years older than me. His Mom passed away the year he was born. Dad was at a loss until he met Mom. They married one year after they met. Nine months later, I was born. Yes, I am a honeymoon child. Four years later, that abominable brat - just kidding - was born.

When Blake turned sixteen, he asked Dad if he could change his last name from Clyde to Daniels - his Mom's maiden name - as a memento of the mother he barely spent time with. Dad was hesitant at first but he agreed to let him do it.

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