All i wanted were Directions!

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I walked out of No Pain No Gain and went to look for some grub behind the Dumpster. There, I found a cupcake sobbing in the corner.

"Are you ok Mrs.Cupcake?" I asked sincerely

"IM A MAN! SHUTUP AND GET LOST BEFORE I SMACK YOU!" He said pulling out his plastic spoon.

" I'm not afraid! I just wanted to know why you were weeping like a wittle girly!" I mocked him

The cupcake man turned back around and started sniveling. "OK MAN YOU CAUGHT ME! Im really a female.

I stared in horror as she took the sppon and shoved it down her wrapper. As she did this she screamed "GOOD BYE WORLD!"

"Wait!" I yelled "I need directions!!!"

The cupcake stopped dying and turned around "Oh, well why didn't ya SAY so!"

'Do you know where these people live?" I stuck my perfect hand into my perfect pocket and retrieved a picture of the Baker and his dictator wife Betty Crocker


"SO YOU KNOW THEM?" I implied

"Yes, they live miles, and miles away" she answered in a steamy voice "You see that sign over there?"

I turned and saw a board that said, Betty Crockers nummy bakery! (I am not a dictator)

My jaw dropped in guffaw. "But that's right acroos the street!"

"Not when you have tiny legs like mine!"

she wiggled her tiny feet, and as I turned to leave I glimpsed her shimming her spoon back into her wrapper

I shrugged casually, and continued walking towards my destiny...again

The tragic life of a misshapen cookieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora