Plastic Surgery

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"GOD THIS IS PAINFULL" I held on to the metal bars on either side of me, as my face was being reconstructed by Dr.Nuthole

"Its almost done" he whispered in his raspy voice 

"Hurry up! This feels like labor!!!!"

Dr.Nuthole raised his eyebrows "You dont know what real labor feels like, unlike me!" he giggled. 

After that statement, I was scarred for life! But atleast i would look like Justin Bieber! (My hero!)

After 20 more minutes of excruciating pain, it was finally over. Dr. Nuthole handed me a mirror. I LOOKED BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

"THAT WILL BE $150 please!"

I looked at him in confusion. "I thought i was paying you with organic chocolate chips! Organic Man!!!"

"Well," said Dr.Nuthole in a sinister voice "The deals off, pay me or ill eat you...


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