~*Chapter 38*~

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Dedication: |XxPotterheadxX| (She did an interview with me. I really want to thank her for ranking me with some of the best authors on Wattpad! I feel so honored. But yeah, go read the interview. :))

**Jessica's POV**

"Are you hungry?" Mike asked, shaking me awake. It took me a second to register where I was, and what had just happened. Remembering why I was here, I sent a glare in Mike's direction.

"Why do you care?" I snapped. A hurt expression crossed his face, causing my eyes to roll. He didn't care, no one did.

"Come in with me," he said. Deciding it would be more fun than sitting in the car, I crawled to the opposite side of the car and flung the door open. Stepping onto the pavement, I took a large breath of fresh air, feeling relieved to smell something other than new car.

"Where are we eating?" I grumbled, my stomach letting out a low rumble.

"McDonald's," Mike said as he lead us inside. Hope bubbled in the pit of my stomach. I kept my fingers crossed behind my back in hope of Caleb working here.

"Sounds great," I said, trying not to sound as enthusiastic as I felt. Inside wasn't as busy as I expected it to be, but then I realized it was three in the afternoon. Lunch was long over.

Workers made their way around the room, swiping tables and throwing trash away as they went. I examined every face in search for Caleb. He said he was a cashier, so my best luck would be to search behind the counter.

Mike and I took our place in line. I danced on my feet out of impatience. The line was moving ridiculously slow. There weren't even that many people in line!

"Do you need to use the restroom?" Mike asked from beside me. I gave him a weird look. "What? You're sitting over there doing the potty dance," he said defensively. I refrained a laugh.

"It's nothing," I told him. He chuckled and his vision focused ahead of us. I didn't want to tell him why I was so jittery. I was afraid of what he would do if I did.

The line slowly began to pick up the pace. We were soon second in line. It took all I had in me not to scream in joy when my eyes met those of the ones I was searching for. A look of remembrance flashed across his face. Stepping away from the counter, he whispered something in his co-worker's ear. The lady nodded. Caleb nudged his head to the side In the direction of the the bathrooms. I instantly knew what he meant.

"Actually, you're right. I need to use the restroom. Be back in a few!" I said quickly to Mike. I didn't wait for his reply, but hopped to the bathrooms. Caleb and I met in silence, and we slipped into the employee's bathroom.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, pulling me into his chest. He smelt of fast food, but it felt good to be in his arms.

"Social security showed up. They said since I have no blood relatives to take care of me, they had to take me into custody. I didn't even get to wait to say goodbye to Alex. It was awful," I rushed. A solemn expression crossed Caleb's face.

"Who took you?" He asked. His eyebrows furrowed together in thought.

"Michelle and Mike," I said. Caleb's eyes widened.

"They aren't to be trusted," he said, a slight look of fear shading his eyes.

"Why? How do you know?" I asked, worry seeping into me.

"I've been with them before. They sent me to a horrible place," he explained. I attempted to swallow the large lump that had formed in my throat, but it only got bigger.

"What do I do?" I asked, tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"I want you to relax okay? I get off work soon. I will go to the hotel and talk to Alex and the boys. Don't worry Jess, I will make sure nothing bad happens to you," he said. A tear slipped down my cheek. Caleb gently wiped it away. Pulling me into his arms, he rubbed my back, trying to calm me down.

Placing a loving kiss on my lips, Caleb said, "I have to go back to work and Mike will get suspicious. Be careful Jess." With one last swift kiss, he left the bathroom.

I leaned over the sink and stared at myself in the mirror for awhile. My mind was running a hundred miles per minute.

Just when things seemed to be getting better, they only got worse.


**Alex's POV**

"Let's head back now,"dad said. Seth and I agreed. Dad had taken us out for ice cream after our visit to mom. We threw our mess away, and left for the hotel. It wasn't much a drive back. We got there in no time.

"Honey! We're home!" I called jokingly as we entered the room. We were met with silence, complete and utter dead silence. It wasn't the good kind of silence either. It was eerie, and I instantly knew something bad must have happened.

"Harry?" I hollered, making my way to the sitting area. Him and the boys sat together on one couch. Each of them had solemn expression on their faces.

"Harry? What's going on?" I asked urgently. His head snapped up at the sound of my voice. Upon seeing me, his face dropped even more.

"Oh Alex," Harry said as he stood.

"Harry please, what is going on?" I begged, walking to meet him half way.

"Social security showed up. They took Jess," he said. I felt as if I was crumbling.

Everything seemed to be going fine again, but of course, something had to come along and ruin it.



I GOT MY PERMIT YESTERDAY. WHOO. (Stay of the sidewalks ;))

I don't have much to say today...

Pleaseeeee go check out my new story 'Haunted.' It's a Harry story! I also have a Zayn one coming soon called 'Dreamer.'

I also updated 'Empty.' Go read it!

'Gone' will start up when 'Over Again' is finished. :)

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Tiana xx

over again // h.sTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang