~*Chapter 2*~

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"Alex! Alex! Please," Alexis begged. She has been standing outside of my door for about 30 minutes trying to talk to me. I haven't been able to stop my tears since I left Starbucks. All of the memories Harry and I had shared together took over me, making me weak.

"No Alexis. I really just don't want to talk," I replied, my voice strained and weak. My tears have settled down, but were still falling. Occasionally, a giant sob would escape me.

"No Al, we need to talk about this!" Alexis exclaimed.

"No Lex, we don't. Leave me alone," I spat, burying myself further into my duvet.

"Fine. Call me if you need anything," she replied calmly. I didn't say anything back, but I waited for her to leave. After about five minutes, I heard her footsteps slowly disappear down the hall. Once I heard the front door slam shut, I pulled my duvet away from my face and let out a giant sigh.

I looked to my right where I saw a picture of Harry and I. I remember when the photo was taken very well. He had invited me along with him and the boys to the beach. I had sat sun bathing, watching the boys splash each other and play around. Harry had noticed me watching and he got out of the water, dripping wet, and came over to me. He pulled me into his arms and ran back into the water, tripping and getting me drenched. I remember coming out of the water, smacking him, then kissing him long and hard. Louis caught a pic right in the middle of our kiss.

Fresh tears sprang to my eyes thinking about this. It was one of my favorite memories that we have. I wiped my eyes and pushed myself off of the bed. I needed to stop with all of this crying. It's starting to get ridiculous.

I went to my bathroom and looked at myself fully in the mirror. I pushed my hair out of my face and took in a deep breath. The girl staring back at me was not the same girl I was five months ago.

"Hey Al! Jenny is coming over soon," I heard Jess yell from downstairs.

"Okay!" I called back. Jenny is our aunt. She has been checking up on Jess and I ever since our parents passed away. Even though I'm 19, Jess is only 15. Also, because I was dating Harry, Aunt Jenny doesn't exactly trust me to watch Jess.

Aunt Jenny and I don't exactly have the best past. We used to constantly fight. My parents nor Jessica knew anything of this, but I regret every day not telling them. I brushed through my hair and wiped my running makeup off of my face. I did a double check, noticing my eyes were still red and puffy, but I honestly didn't care, so I left it at that and went downstairs. I heard voices, so I assumed that Aunt Jen was already here.

"Ah, Alex, lovely to see you," Jenny said sourly when I entered the kitchen. I gave her a blank expression in return and she looked away. Jess must have noticed this because she gave me a quizzical look.

'Leave it.' I mouthed to her. She nodded, but I could tell by the look on her face that this would be brought up later.

"So, how have things been going around here?" Jenny asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Great!" Jess exclaimed, although I could sense a hint of hurt in her tone. I noted to myself to ask her about that later. Thankfully, Jen was as dumb as a post and couldn't pick up on anything. Sadly for me, I could pick up on every emotion. I could look at someone and know instantly what they were feeling.

"Good. Look girls, I would love to stay and chat, but I have a meeting. Stay well, see you soon," Jenny said, standing up from the table and leaving. And that was that. Every trip was like this, and I hated it.

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