I dont matter....

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I have a small group of friends, but I feel like I don't really matter to them. Some of them I hang out with more in the morning before school.... And they seem so attached to each other... And then I'm just there.... If I look upset they'll ask what's wrong... And I if I just say it's nothing... They'll give it up. They don't do that to everyone else... They'll pry and plead until they get an answer. They say they care... But I don't really think they do..... They don't act like it

And then there's the group of people I hang out with more during the day.... A lot of the time I feel like they use me for classwork.... Which sucks. We'll be in class... Working In our groups... And I'm the only one willing to put effort into it.... I do the work..... And they laugh without me.... It makes me feel like if I wasn't there they would be fine.... It's almost as if they don't really want me there.... But they tolerate me anyway.....


I'm sorry if you read this.... I probably just wasted your time..... I'm sorry......

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