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What was with that kid? Just kept staring at me. He gave me the creeps. Anyway, I'm back at the town hall writing down my name. G e o r g i a M a l k e e n a s a t i a a g e 15. A glass bowl has been set up and there is already lots of names in there. I notice a kid named Jack Kingsley who faked his age. He is actually 12 but it says 16. He won't get in.
"Georgia Malkeen. You walked off on me" says a voice behind me. I thought it was the boy.
"Oh, it's you, hi mum".
"Yes, it is me. Now, you walked off on me in the town square. I was looking for you", said mum sternly, "your coming home right this instant young girl. And your grounded, for a week".
"Come on mum, I didn't go far".
"That's what they all say", and with that, mum made her way back to the house. She turned, "well, come on now".
I followed her.

"Now, go over to Mrs Randalina and see if she needs any help gardening" said mum
Instead of arguing, I walk out the front door to go see Mrs Randalina. Maybe she doesn't need gardening done and I could sit around and eat. Sounds good to me.
"Ahh, Miss Malkeenasatia, it's a pleasure to see you".
Two old men sat perched on the verandah with an equally old lady. I could make out the lady as Mrs Randalina and the other one as, Pa! Yet the other man, I don't have a clue to his identity.
"Georgia, I wasn't expecting you" said Pa a huge grin across his face. I have worked out that the other voice must have been from the other old man. "I was just talking to Fred Ulferhulinjerano here, if you would like to join us".
"Mr Alfrenadiatianary here, Miss Malkeenasatia, is a spectacular man" said Mr Ulferhulinjerano.
I give out a fake smile. I love my Pa and think he is fantastic but I'm getting the wrong vibe from the other man, this Mr Ulferhulinjerano man.
"Wait, how do you know my name", as soon as I say it, I instantly regret for being rude.
"I have my ways Miss Malkeenasatia"
"Call me Georgia"
"Georgia, what a beautiful name"
"Now, now, how about we all have a cup of tea, I will go get the cups!" Said Pa as he hurried out of the room.
"As will I"squeaked Mrs Randalina, as she too, hurried out of the room.
"I have something to tell you, Miss Malkeenasatia" said Mr Ulferhulinjerano.
"I don't answer to that name, I answer to Georgia".
"The Maze has not been used for 200 years, do you know why?".
Curiosity floods through out my body. I had never thought of that. They said the first time was unsuccessful, but, what did that mean?
"It was unsuccessful".
"Do you know how?" A grin even larger formed on his face. Creepy like. I don't like it.
"Exactly 200 years ago, a boy and a girl from each PLAIN entered the maze. The maze went faulty and their minds where meddled with. They stopped killing each other and-"
"What do you mean 'stopped killing'?"
"And formed a gang. They didn't want to leave. And the thing is, the maze has age gas in it. That means if something where to brake, the age gas was released. And then know one would age until they leave the maze. But the ageing gas is used for the mechanics so the walls will never stop moving. Accidentally, the gas released and now there is a gang still walking the maze today. Since new people will come in, they will still age. Do you know what the problem with the maze is this time?"
Doubt. That's describes what I'm feeling right now.
"Ha, it is so easy to work out. The system is so unstable that if it broke and failed, all connection between WCKD and the maze would be gone. Also hormones in the body could trigger all the atoms in your body to spread apart, producing 12,361,372 electrons a millisecond. This will lead to the human to. Disappear. You develop different hormones at different ages so know one is sure what age you would disappear at. Who knows for sure this will happen though?"
I've entered my name into something that could lead me into death, or worse, never ending life inside a maze. What could be worse?

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