An Undiscovered Dream: Chapter 7

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As we make our way through the crowd, someone grabs the back of my shirt.  I turn around to see that it is Jordan.

"Sorry, Sophia, I'm trying to not lose you guys," he says.

"It's okay," I yell over the loud noise of everyone talking and crowding the doors to get to the entrance.  "Where are we even supposed to go?" I ask. Addy threads her arm through mine so we don't get split up.

"I'm not sure," she says, but then points to a guard standing near the stage.  "He might know, let's go ask him."  We eventually make it to the side of the stage where the guard is.

"Excuse me," Jordan says, and the guard turns toward us.  "Maybe you could help us.  We have backstage passes, and we don't where to go."  We all hold up our passes.

"Of course," he tells us. "Follow me." He leads us to an open room with small couches and sofas.

"This is so cool," Addy says as I wander around.  There's an opening in the back that leads back a hallway. I walk back a little bit and see a door to the right that has a big, yellow star on it. Under the star says "PERFORMANCE CHANGING AND PRACTICE ROOMS" in green, blocky writing. Then, under the writing, a printed piece of paper reads "Restricted Area. Do not go beyond this door." I turn around and walk back into the room with the sofas and sit down. Addison sits down in a sofa beside me, and Jordan stays standing.

"That concert was amazing," I say to both of them.

"Yeah, I definitely agree. They are awesome," Jordan replies. "You obviously had a good time, Soph. I noticed you breaing down during Wings." He chuckles.

"Shut up! Don't make fun of my emotional instability when it comes to these girls." I playfully glare at him. he sticks his tongue out at me like he's a four year old looking for a fight. I cheer up on the inside, thinking everything might work out between us after all.

"Children, stop fighting!" Addison says as she stares out the window of the door we entered through. Her eyes get wide and she covers her mouth so she can't scream.  "They're coming!" she yells through her hand. I get up out of the sofa and go stand by Addy. I feel tears of excitement overflow my eyes as the door opens and one by one, the girls file into the room. First was katherine. She winked at us as she walked through the doorway. Then Dani, Lisa, Amy, Christina, and Lisa follow behind her. They each have grins on their faces.

"Hi! I'm Christina. And this is Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Lauren, and Dani," Christina says as she points to each one of her sisters.

"We know who you are," Jordan says, and I lighley elbow him in his side. I want to say something, anything, but I'm starstruck. So i just stand there and stare like a crazy person.  Addison says something, but I'm not really listening. I feel like I'm in a dream, floating. Amy reaches her hand out to shake mine, and I slowly raise mine up to touch hers.

"H-Hi, I'm So-Sophia," I stutter.

"Hi, Sophia!" she says, "No need to be nervous! It's just us."

"She's just starstruck, she'll be fine," Jordan chuckles. "Oh, hi, I'm Jordan."

"Hi, Jordan," Dani says with a huge grin on her face.

"Somebody's got a crush," I heard Lauren whisper to Lisa. I laugh, and so does Katherine.

"Lauren, be nice," The Queen of Sassy says, although she's also laughing. Lauren and Dani just playfully glare at each other.

"So how are you guys?" Lisa asks. "Did you like the concert?"

"Of course!" i say. "It was amazing! Better than I was hoping for!"

"Welcome back to reality, Soph," Addy says.

"That's great! We're glad you liked it," Amy also says.

"Are you from Detroit?" Dani asks, mainly staring at Jordan.

"Yes, we are," Jordan says in his usual sweet voice. I may really like him, but Dani's little crush is kind of cute.

We laugh and carry on for the next forty-five minutes and the three of us tell the Cimorelli girls our life stories. We then start talking about the girls and how far they've gotten. We talk about how their conversations with the cimfam on twitter mean so much to all of us. Amy also starts talking about Nick, Joey, and Christian when all of a sudden an alarm goes off throughout the entire stadium. The girls' Manager runs into the room.

"We have to get out of here, now!" She says, her voice rising in panic.

"What's going on, Sarah?" Christina asks.

"No time to explain, let's go!" She exclaims. We then follow them out of the room and head toward the main exit. Don't go that way, it's too dangerous," she tells us.

"Where-" I begin, but Katherine interrupts me.

"Come on to the tour bus with us. I don't know what I'd do if you guys got hurt." We nd, walk out the back exit and file onto their tour bus..

I can't think straight. i'm terrified at what's oing on in our town, but at the same time, I'm in awe at the fact that we're on Cimorelli's tour bus. This is a drea come true. My mind spins back to reality quickly, though, and my world comes crashing down as Sarah explains the danger that we're in.


Hey, Cimfam! I didn't realize how long it's been since I posted chapter 6 until now. Sorry it's taking me forever. I say this every time lol, but I'm still really sorry.

I hope you're liking the way the story is going. I didn't exactly have a total outline of what I wanted to write about...just a general idea. Things are changing in my mind, though.

I had posted an update last week about this chapter, but then deleted it because nobody really helped me. I'll post the same thing here, though.

My original plan to change the storyline was to have a bombing happen in Detroit to get the main characters out of Michigan. I decided, however, not to use this plan because of the Bombing that happened at the Boston Marathon a couple weeks ago. I felt it would be disrespectful to write about this kind of tragedy after what happened.

I need help with the tragedy to use in my story.  Please comment on this chapter and tell me your ideas. If I use your idea, I will give you a shoutout on here and on twitter, so leave your twitter usernames. If you don't have a twitter, I'll shoutout your story or account here on wattpad.

Also, if you'd like, you can follow me on my twitter account: @MsBeckyCimFam95

I really need your help. I'm having writer's block right now and can't think. I don't want to keep you guys waiting longer everytime I post a chapter.

Thanks for you help!

With love,


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