Chapter One

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(Third person point of view)

Reece rose up from her sleep in one of the happiest moods she had been in a while. Today was a very special day indeed. She was so excited! Reece looked over at Beerus's sleeping form next to her and kissed his cheek. He stretched than purred slightly. "Good morning Beerus." Reece said happily. Beerus rolled over and captured Reece in his arms. Than he snuggled up against her and full on purred. "Reece go back to sleep or I'll destroy you." Beerus said in a groggy state. "I might like getting destroyed."Reece said seductively. Beerus raised his head than smirked. "Well, than it's a good thing I'm the God of Destruction." He leaned down and kissed Reece than he slightly licked her ear and cheek making her squeak. There was a knock on the door. "Lord Beerus and Lady Reece." Whis said in a cheerful manner. (Ever sense Lord Beerus and Lady Reece got married Whis had noticed Lord Beerus's temper had gradually decreased over time. So he had a lot of time to sit back and relax (on earth enjoying earth's food's) for a change.) "It's time to wake up! I have breakfast made and I'm sure you don't want it getting cold. I also have a bath ready for you Lord Beerus! Considering you've been asleep for a few months." Beerus growled. (Lord Beerus is waiting for the Kais to give Lady Reece the ability to sleep for years like him.) Reece giggled. "I can take a bath with you." She whispered. "There's an idea." Beerus grinned. Whis could be heard chuckling and saying something along the lines of they're so cute together. So after Lady Reece and Lord Beerus had shared a bath and had breakfast, and Reece of course took her allergy meds. (She's allergic to cats.)  They walked around outside Lord Beerus and Whis were in their normal clothes while Reece was in a simple black dress.  Suddenly, Goku and Vegeta appeared out of thin air thanks to Goku's instant transmission. Making Reece jump back in surprise, and Beerus protectively stood in front of her. Goku scratched his head nervously. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you Lady Reece I just wanted to see if Lord Beerus and Whis wanted to train some more, its been a while." He stated sheepishly. "Yeah and there's no way I'm going to let this idiot train without me." Vegeta stated coldly. Reece blinked than smiled, today was Lord Beerus's and her's big day. There's no way he would.." "Alright." Reece frowned in disappointment. "Lets begin." Beerus stated in his polite and scary way. So the entire day was spent with Lord Beerus Training Goku and Vegeta with Whis helping occasionally. Then of course eating pizza that Goku had brought. They both left and it was soon time for bed. Reece waited patiently all day for Lord Beerus to mention what day it was today. He never did. Lord Beerus and Reece had changed into their night clothes and were laying in bed. Reece cleared her throat, "Beerus was today special to you?" Beerus seemed confused. "I guess so, it was pretty nice today." "That's good." Reece said slowly. Than Lord Beerus smiled and wrapped his arm around Reece. "Goodnight."Beerus sighed happily. "Goodnight." Reece waited and waited. Nothing. He completely forgot. He forgot our One-year Anniversary.  Reece felt tears coming, as soon as he was in a deep sleep she left and went to go sleep in a guest room. She was hurt and angry. Fine if he won't remember our Anniversary I'll make him remember! Reece grabbed her allergy meds and threw them away. Than she went to the guest bedroom and slept on the bed silently crying until she fell asleep. 

End of chapter 1

( Hello Everyone! I know its been a long while sense I've updated, or had any new story's. Anyways I have had a new inspiration. Lord Beerus and Whis. I love them and i love DBZ Battle of Gods and Revival of F. Idk about DB Super. Alright well I hope you read this story and enjoy. This is for Beerus lover's.)

* Feel free to comment and let me know your thoughts!

- Peace out!

Lord Beerus's Rage and Reece's forgotten anniversary!Where stories live. Discover now