Chapter Thirty-Six

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After scrapping for the last bits of food, Maizie and yourself head back to the shelter.

"I'm surprised the Gamemakers haven't done anything yet." said Maizie.


"There's probably action with some of the Careers or something."

"Maizie, could you please explain?"

"Usually by now they would chase us away from here and towards another tribute."

"So... Does that mean there's tributes already nearby?"


"Well that's... An unsettling thought."

"It's getting dark."


"There aren't many cameras here so we can't rely on our words. Only our actions if we want sponsors."

"Maizie? ...I'm not doing that."

"Ugh, you baby. Whatever. Just lie down. Don't make me push you."

You obey, now a little nervous. She lies down beside you, head on top of your chest. You sigh in relief. You feel her tug on your arm and subtly leads it on top of her shoulder. You soon drift off too sleep, your energy drainign away.

You wake up with what feels like a small blow to your ribs. On top is a small package, with colorful wrappers and foils.

"What is this?..." It's definitely not something found in the Arena.

"It's a gift from a sponsor, pretty quick might I add. Eat while you can, it's Capitol food."

You rip it open, unwrapping a small pink bar and stuffing the rest into your backpack.

"How many people are left?" You ask.

"Agh, we missed the cannons last night!"

"How? They're way too loud. Does it even matter?"

"Yes! Knowing how many people are in the Arena is key! We could be the last ones left and we don't even know it!"

"Maizie, there's only two other people out there. I doubt they both killed each other."

Maizie looks disappointed, but there's nothing you can do about it. You're about to give some sort of reassurance when the ground begins to shake. You both look at each other in worry and scramble out of the shelter.

"Where is it coming from?!" You have to shout to get the message across to Maizie, who shakily points a finger. Up was a mountain, you've never seen any in real life, even though Arena ones are probably fake. But that wasn't what you were thinking. Down the mountain, huge waves of snow was racing down the hill towards the Arena.

That wasn't there last night! How the heck did it get there?!

Maizie grabs your wrist and the two of you begin running, faster than ever. The ground trembled fiercely as the snow reached the ground. The Cornucopia was coming into sight! You look behind you and almost stumble. The snow is right behind the two of you.


You barely hear Maizie screaming over the snow as only a few trees are in sight. They don't look sturdy, but it's better than being swept away. Maizie does the same, and after only a few seconds of climbing up, the snow roughly glides, picking up rocks and small plants. The trees sway back and forth as you hold on for dear life, squeezing your eyes shut.


You know you're done for, yet you still hang on to the tree. You can't even feel yourself falling, almost as if... You open your eyes and you're still safely in the air. You look across from you to Maizie.


Her tree wasn't there. She wasn't there. You couldn't hear her scream over the thundering sound of the snow. You tried to find her through the white mass, but you couldn't see her, the Cornucopia the only thing in sight along with a few other trees. You can't fight the tears streaming down your face, the cold air stinging at your eyes. You barely knew her, but you didn't care. Yes, she was strange, but she didn't deserve to die. None of these kids deserved to die. Who knows what happened to be other two tributes. Even the Careers, trained to kill, were innocent in one way or the other. The only living thing in this Arena was you, not even the plants, either fake or killed through the snow.

In what seemed like hours, maybe days, the snow stopped. It was hard to tell, even when it was moving it was just a big white mess. You drop down from the tree, so the snow will impact your fall. The snow is up to your shoulders as a gigantic shadow looms over the area.

Congrats! You just won the Hunger Games! Now go back and read another story! Hope you enjoyed it!

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