Chapter 18

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One week later...

Maliboos POV-

Woof. Bark. Growl.

Lucas' POV-

Maddie and I have bonded a lot this past week. I think I'm gonna ask her out either later today or tomorrow I just need to figure out how I should ask her.

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I changed my clothes about 20 times just to find out what outfit I should wear. Finally, a navy blue button up with khaki shorts. It may not be all fancy and stuff but it's not like I packed my entire closet with me!

I took a deep breath and practiced to the mirror what I should say to Maddie when I ask.
[Make sure to read the authors note at the end to help me pick which line I should use!]

"Maddie, this past week I feel like we have this connection-- this bond of a relationship that's more than friends. Madison, you're gorgeous and I'm so lucky to be your friend and perhaps boyfriend. Maddie, will you go out with me?"
That seems like I'm about to propose to her.

I try again:

"Maddie, will you out with me?"
Too simple!

And again...

"For the past couple weeks, I saw this amazing, beautiful girl. And I think I want to make a move. So, Maddie? Will you go out with me?"
I think this will take all night!

I'm planning to ask Maddie out tomorrow morning when we go out for our morning walk like we usually do, it seems romantic enough.

Currently, I'm walking to the town to a flower shop so I can buy her flowers.

I stop halfway on my way to the shop, what if she says no.

It seemed liked I had the angel and the devil on my shoulder bickering to each other about if she'll say yes or no. I'm now nervous because what if she says no? Then will our friendship be crushed?

I just hear these voices in my head on my way to town:

"Don't worry, Lucas, she won't say no to you! She can't!"

"She'll say no to you obviously! What a loser of a guy!"

I buy her a pastel color tulip flowers, I hope she'll like them!

Again with the voices:

"What are you thinking!? She'll hate them!"

"She'll love them and would want to keep them forever!"


I'm sitting in bed, quite nervous about tomorrow. I think this will be a long night.


Omg guys, I'm so sorry! I haven't updated in a long time! I've been busy because of traveling and summer camp and all that type of stuff!

Oh no, school is starting and that means I'll really try to update!

Help me with the story: How should Lucas ask Maddie to go out with him? Option 1,2 or 3 or another creative idea! Write it in the comments and I'll pick the best one or the most voted one!

And omg, again, it's crazy! 10,000 reads?!? Is that even for real?!?! Thank you guys so much for the reads, likes, and the comments! I love reading you comments and what you guys think of the story, so continue to do that!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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