"So, what would you say to going shopping with me today?" Nicole practically begged with her eyes.

"For what?" She knows I don't like shopping for the fun of it.

"For the party tomorrow! Duh!"

"Oh, I was just going to wear one of my other outfits."

Nicole looked around before lowering her voice.

"You know Josh is going to be there, right?"

"Seriously? I didn't take him for the 'party type'," I said with a little resentment in my voice.

"I don't know, Selena. There's probably a lot you don't know about him."

"Not by choice, I can tell you that." I didn't mean to be, but I was honestly really uncaring at the moment.

When has he shown that he actually wants to open up to me?

"Come on Selena, don't be like that. Besides, if you continue to show him that you are willing to work this out, maybe he'll eventually open up to you."

I crossed my arms and leaned back against the lockers as Nicole continued.

"I know you have no control over the way he acts, but by remaining the level-headed girl I know you are, he will probably become more comfortable with you."

She was right though. I knew I was probably being more harsh and closed-minded than I should have been.

Oh Nicole, she always knows how to bring things back into perspective.

I paused momentarily, "So, where do you want to go shopping?"

Clapping her hands enthusiastically, Nicole expressed her excitement, "That's the spirit! I was thinking maybe Kholes but we can really go anywhere!"

Why she gets so excited about shopping, I'll never understand. But that's what I love about Nicole.

I felt a light tap on the shoulder and turned to see Jake standing behind me.

"You had better get to class, young ladies. You're both going to be late." Jake said teasingly.

"Oh whatever. Says the guy who skips the first 15 minutes of Biology!" Nicole retorted teasingly.

"Oh come on..." He lowered his voice ever so slightly before saying, "Mrs. King is a nightmare of a teacher. And Biology is sooo easy for me anyway. Why should I have go to class?"

I shook my head as if I were ashamed. "Jake, I am so disappointed in you. You should know better." I tried to stay serious but I ended up laughing anyway.

He smiled lightly as he placed his hand on my shoulder, "I'll see you guys at lunch!"

"See ya!" Nicole shouted.

"Don't get in trouble now!" I continued to tease.

"Oh please, me get in trouble? As if!" Jake smiled in mock arrogance.

Of course that confidence was quickly broken as he accidentally backed into Mrs. King, causing all of her papers to be scattered on the ground.

"Oh, I am so sorry. Let me help you with those."

"NO!" she screeched, obviously annoyed, "Just get to class, Mr. Evans"

He nodded a quick, "Yes, ma'am," before darting off towards his classroom.

"Oooo busted!" I said softly to Nicole.

Nicole lightly giggled before getting a menacing glare from Mrs. King. We quickly headed off to our first period English class to escape as fast as we could.


After a long and interesting day, Nicole and I planned to go shopping for some clothes for Colt's party. As much as I dislike shopping with Nicole (mainly because she takes too long), I decided to make an exception. As I was walking out, I felt a hand gently grab my arm. As I turned around, my heart skipped a beat as I looked into deep brown eyes.

Breathless, Josh attempted to speak, "Hey."

"Hey?" I responded back.

"Sorry, I just... I didn't think I would catch you in time." He said regaining his composure.

My interest was peaked. I didn't know what he wanted, but I didn't understand why he was suddenly trying to catch up to me. Funny how that works. I had gotten so used to the avoidance I questioned when he actually tried to talk to me.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about the other day." He stated. After looking at me for a few seconds, he started to leave.

I finally broke out of my shock as I called him back.

"That's it?"

He turned back to me, almost as confused as I was.

"Yeah, that's it."

We stood in awkward silence for a moment. It's strange. Normally, I can at least keep a conversation going. But this - us talking - was so unusual to me.

Suddenly, he half way smiled as he said, "I can't wait to see what you wear to the party tomorrow."

"Wait you-"

"Nicole told me. Don't worry. I'm not that crazy as to stalk you," He joked.

He's actually... joking with me...

"Um... ok! See you tomorrow then," I managed to say.

"I look forward to it" he nodded as he made his way to his car.

Who is this guy and what did he do with Josh?

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