How long does it take to fall in love...with a voice?

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Author's note
This story isn't about anyone, the people in this story aren't real, and the pictures aren't linked to the characters. I have not stolen anyone's idea. So if its similar to yours please forgive me.

" I saw your number in my call log, I get the decency to call you and you tell me to get off your phone?" He said angrily.
Oops I pissed someone off. I didn't know what to say so I stay quiet on the phone.
"Hello?" He says again
" hello, I mean how can you call me on my phone and ask who I am? I dont know your number....argh. He stays quiet for a little bit, I thought he was gone, if not for his breathing. Who is this guy, I think to myself, is he
" what's your name" he asked.
" Jacinta Harris" I grunted "and you?"
" Macrom Cole" he replied in a sober tone " do you know Arielle? He added.
" nope who is she" I asked out of curiosity.
" my little sister, I was thinking you might have gotten my number through her. What of Anna, you know her? She is my bigger sister in case you don't know." He added still thinking I guess.
" nope, I really don't know you, since you are the one calling I guess I should be interrogating you or maybe we should just forget it because its just a wrong number ok?" I rant breathlessly hoping he will just leave me alone.
"Ok, but am surely calling you back Jacinta, you intrigue me". He said.
I laugh in my head, me? Intriguing? Wow this guy has nothing important to do huh?. Before I could respond my mom call out from down stairs of our 2 storey building house.. "Jacinta Marie Harris come down this instant" mom shouts. I call back down "am coming" not without a groan though. He laughs over the phone and gosh am I loving his hearty laugh...I begin to imagine how he even looks like, but mom calls back down again and he drawled sweetly in a low and smooth voice" I guess your mom needs you, sweets, I will call you after am done with work yea?" A smile tag on the sides of my lips and I go like "ok" not after smiling at his endearment for me, sweets.
He says bye and goes off.
I rush down to see what my mom wants and I totally forgot about the pictures I was awaiting from Cherry. I'm hit with the sweet smell of freshly baked cookies and a cake placed on the island counter in the kitchen.
" mom, you called me?" I said non challantly, like I am not affected nor tempted by the seductive cake and cookies.
" you've been up there in your room for too long, are you depressed? Have you heard from Karen?"
Don't get confused, Cherry is the same as Karen. Her full name is Karen Stella Anderson. But I call Cherry because she is my bestie and I love her.
" no mom." I said
" I heard you talking on the phone, I thought it was her. Take these dear you haven't eaten all day. Keep these for your sisters, when they come back from school, I will be visiting your grandpa with your dad so please take care of yourself honey. We might stay over so lock up before you sleep."
" yes mom" ogling at the cookies and my piece of cake not even glancing at my mom. She hurries up for her keys and place a kiss on the top of my head and goes out.
I pick my cookies and pour my self some milk and move to the living room to watch reruns of smallville.
I look up at the grandfather clock and its almost 3pm, my little sisters, Sally and Kiki will be coming home soon. At last I won't be so lonely, I say to myself.
We are a middle class family living in a 4-bedroom house, my parents occupy one bedroom, I have my own, and my two sisters share a bedroom and there's an extra bedroom because my sister is in college at the nearest city. She calls to check in once in a while giving that she's busy so we don't bother her much. I hear a knock on the front door, yaaaaaay, my sisters are back, I open and give them a bear hug, ask them about school, and I tell them about my mysterious call.
" he said he will call back?" Kiki asked. I said" yea" and she says "I wanna talk to him too" and I was like "ok".

I helped them with their homework, we watch television and I helped them bath and change to their PJs. Its 9:30 and he hasn't called and Cherry hasn't sent any pictures either.
I hear my phone buzzing, he is calling, I am grinning and I don't know why. I pick and I hear him say "hello" in a thick sexy voice. Oh gosh am done for.

How is this chapter. Please vote and comment. Love ya. The picture up there is Jacinta.

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