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⚠️Bippers POV⚠️

My plan for this dimension is finally upon us. I thought I would have to wait at least 5 more centuries until this happened! But before my plan can truly comence, I need to get a body that I can use my powers to their full potential. And that means I need something from my dimension. Now I just need to figure out how to get it without leaving this body.....

💫Mabel's POV💫

Oh no. Why did dipper have to give his body over to bill again! What could bill have possibly giving him that is worth more than gravity falls! I should have seen the signs earlier though. Sleep deprivation is the one thing that I know of that Bill can do to you. I guess that also explains why dipper always got up in the middle of the night. I feel really bad for dipper, it feels like its all my fault. Maybe if..... No mabel, this isn't your fault. It's bills fault. I still wonder what his so called "big plans" actually are. Every time I've seen him he always says something about them when we get rid of him. I totally forgot that ford and gruncle Stan were there, until I heard them calling my name. "Hello, anyone in there mabel?" gruncle Stan said. "hm? Oh sorry what did you say?" "we need to go downstairs and get weapons. But not just any kind of weapons." and with that we made our way downstairs very quickly. All I could think about right now is what kind of crazy things bill could be doing to dippers body. When we finally got down ford started handing us very dangerous looking weapons. "um, won't these hurt dipper though" I ask nervously. "nonsense,i specially designed these weapons when I was in the portal to only harm paranormal beings that may be in someone. So i am 70% sure that it won't hurt dipper." "70%!? Ford, we are talking about your only great nefew and probably the only one in the family that actually knows what your saying half the time. 70% is not very reassuring." gruncle Stan said worried. "Stanley I can assure you that unless dipper is some demon child these won't hurt him." before I could say anything, there was a very loud explosion above us. We were forced to close our eyes and drop our weapons from all of the debris falling from the ceiling. In that second the vending machine door burst open revealing Gideon and Bipper at the top. As they slowly made their decend we were able to hide. That didn't seem to work the slightest though. As soon as Bipper came into view blue ropes came out of his hands and intwined all of us in our hiding places. We were then slowly dragged out with the ropes tightening around us. At that point I was barley able to breath. And by the looks of Ford and gruncle Stan, their ropes weren't any looser. "bill! Easy on the ropes! I don't want them to suffocate before I get my revenge!" shouted Gideon. Bipper did do as he said, but he had a very annoyed look on his face. I looked at Bipper again and I could definitely see that his eyes were not dippers. "let us go you demonic triangle! Your plans for destroying this dimension won't work! You think that your stronger than us in dippers body? I can see that just tieing us up used most of your energy! And you can't keep holding us here forever!" bipper and gideon just laughed at Ford. I guess Bippers told gideon his plan, because I don't know any other reason why he would be laughing. "you really don't get it do you sixer? You think that I want to destroy your family and this dimension. But you have it all wrong, instead of destroying it, I'm going to cure it." man, he said that last part really creepily. But what does he mean by cure it? "You get out of my brothers body right now you Dorito!" then everyone in the room looked at me suprised. "Why mabel my darling! I forgot that you were here. I wanted to propose something to you. I am willing to spare you easily, if you agree to be mine."   "no way you creep! I would much rather die!"  "fine my super plum suit yourself"  it looked like Bipper was about to puke by now. I also noticed that the ropes were getting looser too. "Gideon, stop with the talking and get them somewhere I don't have to use my powers. Sixer was right about one thing, I can't keep doing this forever. Well, not yet anyway." but as gideon started coming towards us ford broke the ropes and me and gruncle Stan made a dash for the lab while Ford punched gideon in the face. I could watch that on replay for hours on end. But that's not the point, soon we were in the lab with gideon and Bipper on our tails.

   📕Fords POV📕

  I don't know why, but punching that kid in the face felt really good. As soon as we were all in the lab I led mabel and Stanley into my security camera room. "Um Ford, why are we in a room with a bunch of cameras when we should be fighting?" Stanley asked.  "it's the best we don't fight until we know bills plans, that's why" then they fell silent as we were waiting for bill and the kid to come out of the elevator. When they finally did they both looked exausted. Slowly they limped their way to where he portal was. "You idiot! They probably jumped through the portal, destroying it! Couldn't you keep those ropes on for one more minute!" gideon angrily yelled at bill. All he did was turn around to face the kid. But his expression on his face showed one that I never thought bill had, fear. "That doesn't matter kid! If they really did go through the portal,  then my plans of becoming human are ruined! All they have to do is find that stupid bottle of dream dust and I'm done for! And so are you!" Bill yelled angrily at the kid. "I know you ibasal! Whatever, there's no need for us here anymore then. Let's just work on controlling the town first" "fine, but let my powers come back a little bit." And with that they walked out of the lab and the shack. "well, at least we know what bills plans are and how to defeat him!" mabel said cheerfully. Then I replied "Yes we do. But we still need to figure out how to get to the dimension that bills so called dream dust is in so we can stop him. And luckily, I think I have an idea of how. And his name is blendin."

Dun,dun, da! I hope that whoever reading this likes it so far! Right now I'm here to tell whoever this may be, that chapters will probably be really slow from the next chapter on since I have school and volleyball. But that's all! Well,  I do have something that dipper wants to say...... (Please... Anyone...... Please help me......) OK that's really all. GFMaster out! 😈

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