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You sat at your coffee table, scrolling through news feed on your laptop, when you came across a headline; "Pietro Maximoff's Girlfriend Is Cheating?" with pictures of you and your ex kissing from a long time ago.

You cringed at the sight of the old pictures. You just hoped Pietro didn't see these.

You heard footsteps behind you, and then something was thrown down on the table.

"Care to explain this, Y/N?" a cold voice said.

Crap. you thought.

"Now Pietro, don't get mad..." you started.

"Don't get mad?! Why are you kissing another guy? Am I not enough for you?" he spat at you.

"Pietro, just listen!" you pleaded.

"No, Y/N. You listen. I love you more than anything. I thought you would treat me better than this. But I guess you're done with me. I'm leaving." he said before grabbing his coat and walking out the door.

You crumpled down on the floor, tears flowing down your face.


Bucky and you only usually fight about little things, such as who's going to cook dinner or who gets the last cookie. Everyone else says it's kinda cute.


Loki was off on one of his rants again. He was saying stuff about 'stupid mortals' and 'how he should've been king' and it was really pissing you off.

"Loki, can you please shut up for a minute?" you spat at him.

He glared at your from across the room. "Excuse me?"

"I am so sick and tired of your rants about 'stupid mortals'. News flash, your girlfriend is a mortal," you ranted. "and she's done with your attitude."

"Well I'm sorry for being a human and having emotions. And I honestly don't know why I chose a mortal to fall in love with." Loki spat back at you.

"Then just leave. I'm done with you." you huffed as you marched up to your room.

The minute you sat on your bed, you felt guilty. You knew that Loki would have days like these, and that it would quickly blow over. What was going to happen now?


You and Bruce almost never fight, and if anything, you'll just disagree on something.



You sighed as you looked at the clock. It was 2:30 at night, and Tony still wasn't home. He left for a party around 7, and said he'd be back around 12.

You heard the door open and then slam close. You winced. Tony only slams the door when he's drunk.

You walked over to where he was leaning on the wall. He looked awful. His hair was messed up, his tie undone and there were lipstick stains on his collar and neck.

"Hey Y/N." he slurred.

"Don't 'hey Y/N' me, where the hell were you?" you said sharply.

"I was at a party babe, just give me a kiss." Tony said, walking towards you and trying to kiss you. You just pushed him away.

"Why the fuck are there lipstick stains on your neck?" you asked calmly, fists clenching together.

"Some girl was drunk, don't worry." he said, leaning against the wall again.

"And so are you! You just let her and didn't even try to stop her! I've been sitting here worried sick that something happened to you!" you yelled at him.

He stood up straight, obviously sobering up. "Why do you even care? You never give me love anyway!" he yelled back.

You slapped his face. "I don't give you love? I love you more than anything in this world! And this is how you treat me?" you yelled in his face. "You know what? I don't care anymore. I'm going to Pietro's house."

You ran up to your room, grabbing a bag and shoving clothes inside.

Tony came walking in, tears running down his face.

"I'm sorry Y/N! I didn't mean to! Please forgive me!" he pleaded.

You ignored him and shoved past him.

"When you're man enough to come and apologize, you know where I'll be." you spat at him before heading out the door.

10 minutes later, you arrived at Pietro's house. A few seconds after you rang the doorbell, he arrived at the door.

His smile dropped when he saw your tear-stained face. "Tony again?"

You nodded and he let you in.


You two never fight. Everyone else wonders how you do it, but honestly, neither one of you know.


"Peter!" you yelled, not knowing where your boyfriend was.

"What is it, Y/N?" he yelled back from somewhere upstairs.

"Where is my ice cream?" you yelled, knowing he was the one who ate it.

There was silence for a minute. "What ice cream?"

"You know, my mint chocolate chip ice cream!"

He padded down the stairs to where you were standing at the bottom.

"I don't know what you're talking about." he said, running a hand through his hair.

"Peter Benjamin Parker, I know you ate my ice cream!" you exclaimed, trying to sound mad.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your forehead. "Ok, I admit. I did."

"Jerk." you muttered into his shirt.

"Punk." he muttered back, making you smile.


Sooory, but I couldn't think of anything for Thor, Steve or Clint. That sucks. But I need a break. I fell down the stairs the other day and my hand still hurts from where I fell on it. The next chapter will be that you guys make up (only Tony, Loki, and Pietro).

Today's been a surprisingly good day for me. All I've done is read some Calvin and Hobbes comics, drink coffee (like I do everyday), watch Star Wars, and watched AmazingPhil and Danisnotonfire on YouTube. How have your guy's days been?

-lady loki

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