What You Like to do Together

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Both of you like to watch movies, no matter what kind. Pietro and you usually will sit watching movies for hours if there was nothing else to do.


Netflix and cuddling, need I say more?


You liked to go for a walk in the woods, where there was peace and quiet. You and Loki would talk about personal stuff, holding hands for the entire walk.


He liked to read to you, read with you, anything reading. Sometimes, you would have competitions on who could finish the current book you two were reading first.


He likes to paint. You like to draw. So, this usually ended up in you drawing something, and him painting it, or the other way around. There were sketches, drawings, and paintings all over the house.


Whenever he has a party, you plan it, and he throws it. This leads to lots of parties.


He will take you to Asgard, and the both of you like going around and touring.


Being the famous Hawkeye, he'll take you to a shooting range, so you both can get some practice in.


You two go shopping all of the time.


Endless pranks.

Peter Quill:

Peter? It's all cuddles for him. That's his favorite thing to do (besides being with you, of course).

Peter Parker:

You and Peter like hanging at home, reading comic books and eating a lot.

Hey! Sorry if these were crappy, I was in a rush.

~Lady Loki

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