He didn't take his eyes off of me and the hand with my messenger bag in it, didn't lower. I sighed, defeated, and took the bag out of his hand. His expression turned into that of a little boy getting a matchbox car for Christmas. What was so special about watching me again?

I pulled out a couple of manila folders filled with paper. I pulled out blank pages and set them in front of me. I already started to ignore my surroundings. This would be easier than I thought. Maybe I wouldn't show some of my little habits... I did notice Jake sit down with the deck of cards.

I pulled out the already written down pages. I spread them out in front of me, the oldest on my left, newest on the right. My surroundings were fading away as I read the last page I'd written. I scrunched up my face in confusion--shit, there was one of my habits--with what I had written. There was noise off somewhere, but I didn't know where it came from, so I ignored it. I picked up my bright blue, point five, mechanical pencil and started pouring out the words in my head onto the paper. Ignoring what I had written on the last page I'd read. I'd fix it later.

An hour later, I had over ten pages done and Jake was up cooking. He had asked if I wanted lunch a few minutes earlier, but I didn't remember saying 'yes'. I shrugged it off and kept writing. My stomach could use the food. I certainly didn't care if I ate or not. Soon, my half-filled page was pulled out from under my pencil. Thank goodness I didn't have the pencil pressed down.

"Hey!" I exclaimed and pouted. A plate with grilled cheese sat in front of me. I looked up at Jake. That sandwich smelled delicious. But I wasn't giving up yet. I wanted to write more. I wasn't done with my idea.

"Eat." He said, smirking. I pouted more. What was his plans with that piece of paper. I didn't want him to read it. I really hoped he didn't read it. It was embarrassing sometimes...what I wrote about I mean.

"If I eat, do I get my paper back?" I put down my pencil reluctantly. I really didn't want to stop writing. Grr. Stupid Jake and his food.

He rolled his eyes, now smiling. Yes! I won! Now if only he'd set the piece of paper down... I smiled anyway and picked up the warm sandwich. I took a bite and instantly fell in love.

"This is amazing." I told him. It was just a simple grilled cheese, and I don't know what made it so amazing, but it was delicious. He smiled. He leaded up against the wall next to me, watching me. He seemed to like watching me lately. It was kind of weird, and nerve wracking, but I didn't let it get to me. He was just interested and curious.

"I'm glad you like it." He said, sitting down across from me. He picked up the first page I wrote of the piece I was writing that day. I huffed in frustrated. I really wanted to reach out and take it, but I knew if I did, I'd get grease all over the paper. Stupid greasy cheese sandwich... I blushed deeply as he read it. He chuckled as he set down the first page. That's why I was embarrassing. I knew he'd laugh at it.

"Romances?" He asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. Of course, he was a boy though. Boys don't like romances. Quite frankly, right now, I was okay with that.

"Guess you could say I'm a hopeless romantic." I shrugged, kind of embarrassed. It was true too... I was always searching for the guy who'd 'sweep me off my feet' and 'carry me off to a land, far, far away.' Jeez. I was such a cheeseball. I needed to get it together. That would never happen... But I could get a guy that would respect me. That'd be lovely. Rather than the jerk 'j's'.

"I think it's cute." He said. I blushed like mad. He just called my stories cute. He was certainly cute himeself... Gah. What was I thinking?

"Is there other stuff you've written?"

"Yeah!" I exclaimed, instantly excited. It wasn't so bad having someone I knew read my stuff after all. I mean, sure, I'd post them on websites, but I usually never got comments on them, much less a comment in person.

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