Get off my phone...argh

71 4 7

Jacinta Harris

So am not an extremely gorgeous girl..yea I know that. I'm 18 and I live with my mom and dad and 4 other siblings..that's a little too much, but I love my 3 sisters, Joan who is 20, Sally is 15 and Kiki-short for Kiriana is 12. My big brother is called Mason and he is 27. He lives with his wife Ladybel and my lovely nephew Adonivah. Home sucks a lot more so after finishing high school and waiting for your results to apply for a college- that's how its done in my part of the world, I live in a small town called Kingston town along the sides of the coast in La Paz. I was in an all girls school during my high school years, so me and boy relations is Nada - as in nothing in Spanish. I am not scared of boys I just don't know how to strike a conversation with them. Right this instant am lying in my bed with my long red hair in bad shape in need of a trim, my room is a mess and I can't stop surfing the net..gosh am terribly bored. I ain't unfriendly my best friend is on vacation in the Bahamas..I miss her badly. Cherry is a sweet girl, though we are quiet opposite in looks, we roll very well and have mind blowing fun. She is skinny with long black hair and blue eyes, she rocks a nice tanned skin. Whereas am curvy with huge boobs, thus am not the ideal size 8, hence they say I ain't gorgeous. But Cherry is closer to being an ideal size...just a little too much boobs. At school she read Arts and I read science though we are a little bit different we are like two peas in a pod. I have matching green eyes to give me a ginger look to complete my red head and a pale skin. I am waiting for updates from Cherry on her trip...I can't wait to see her. Her crush Chris is going around his normal business flirting with anything in skirt and banging anyone he gets, "I can't believe he asked you to move in with him just a week after he proposed to you and what does he do when you refuse? He sleeps with that big mouthed Deloris in that same week?" You might think I'm being wicked for wounding her with those words but she is still dreamy just by hearing his name. Chris is a handsome doctor no doubt, with one dimpled cheek and a dimpled chin, no big deal, I have a dimpled chin too and also a little gap in between my two front teeth. He has nice abs and how do I know? His display picture is of his 6 pack chest, that has a lot of girls swooning.
"He is sweet" cherry taunted
"Well...that doesn't look like sweet to me" I said the day she was packing to travel.
Deloris posted her pic with Chris all over Facebook. I guess that did the trick, Cherry cried her eyes out the day she was leaving.
At least this will help her get over him. My goodness that guy is way older than her anyway.
As am waiting for Cherry to send me some images of her trip on whatsapp, my phone begins to buzz, I hurriedly picked it up and frowned instantly. The caller's name wasn't registered. I swiped to pick the call just to hear a much masculine voice with a drawl, which goes like,
" hello? Who are you? I saw your missed call on my phone".
My hearts was beating furiously because of two things, 1. It was the sweetest and sexiest voice I had ever heard and 2. Arrogant much.
All I said in response was, " get off my phone".
Jeez friendly much?

Please this is my first time of writing a story, every suggestion is welcome and Please vote and comment. Would love to hear from all of you.

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