Chapter 15

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Rusting metal, dirty water, and a whole lot of chemicals all molded into one is what I first smell upon stepping out of Malia's car. Even now that Scott, Malia, Mason, and I are actually in the exact place where the Dread Doctors should be taking Liam and Hayden hostage, I can't catch either of their scents. I usually can even from afar (being an omega for a long time helped me learn many things just from experience), but that's not happening right now.

Scott leads the way, knowing this place at least a little bit. He takes us to a staircase that only goes down, with warning signs that tell us to keep away, but like always, we don't follow the rules. When we reach the landing, we come across many openings for tunnels. Scott walks to the nearest one, and we now begin our search.

"Liam!" Scott calls out once we enter the tunnel.

"Hayden!" Malia then tries.

Next, Mason cups his hands around his mouth and shouts, "Guys! Anyone there?"

"Liam! Hayden!" I say as well, but there's still no response.

Aside from my curiosity as to how the doctors were able to take over this water treatment plant, all I feel now is determination. It overshadows my fear of the doctors winning due to how badly I wanna make sure Liam and Hayden are alright. I'm not particularly close to them, but they're still my friends. When I first came to Beacon Hills, I was okay with others dying, especially the bad. I learned to live with that truth after my father passed away. I was even okay with the thought of having to kill someone who hurt me, even if I hadn't actually done that before. But I realized I just used that as a mask to hide what I really felt when I met Scott and his pack. All I wanted was to be brave and not to experience the same kind of pain, but that was selfish of me.

Now, the thought of more innocent lives being taken away makes me uneasy. I no longer find it alright to kill, like when I agreed to Malia's suggestion to do exactly that to Tracy, because there's no moral excuse for that. I no longer find it alright to have more people gone. All these thoughts at the moment may seem dramatic, but I can't help it. That's how much my views have changed.

"Liam!" Scott continues.

"Can you guys catch a scent?" Mason questions, running after the Alpha.

"There's too many chemicals," Scott explains.

"That together with dirty water and rust," I add disgustedly.

"Then, this might take a while."

No matter how many times we all call out for Liam and Hayden, there isn't a response. We've split up now but keep running into each other; I've literally crashed into Malia, Mason almost fell backwards because he bumped me, and Scott and I let out high-pitched shrieks when we came face to face, thinking that the other was a Dread Doctor.

"Hayden!" I hear Scott yell.

"Liam!" Malia's voice rings, fainter than the previous.

"Hayden!" I say loudly as well.

"Liam!" Mason says this time. His voice is much louder than the other two, so I assume we're nearby.

"Hayden! Liam!"

I walk down another hall but stop short when two figures block me. It's Malia and Scott, and literally a second later, Mason comes running our way. With all of us now gathered, all we can do is share looks of defeat.

"Anything?" Scott asks us, panting.

"Nothing," Malia says shortly.

"Okay, we need to make sure that we're not covering the same area."

Moonlight ☾Theo Raeken || Teen Wolf [1] (DISCONTINUED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя