Chapter 14

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Liam and Hayden have gone missing. Theo, Stiles, and I were informed about this the moment Scott and the others were able to use their phones again and after we tried to clear everything up to the police about the jeep being turned over while we were at the animal clinic (which was very hard to explain since no normal human being can flip a car). Then, we were informed that the plan in school to protect the newfound chimera failed, and now her and Liam have disappeared with the Dread Doctors.

The next day arrives and those two sophomores have not showed up yet, nor have we found any clue as to where they could be. We're all very worried, especially Scott. It's obvious that he blames himself for every single wrong thing that happens in this town. He, Malia, Theo, and I went on a search last night and earlier this morning, but we split up, and since I haven't found anything new, I begin my way back to Scott's house.

Right before I reach the street to the McCall house, my phone rings, signaling a call. When I switch my gadget open, I read the name that flashes on the screen before answering.


"Hi, where are you?" he asks me.

"Well, I'm almost at Scott's house," I reply, quickening my pace.

"And where did you say Scott is?"

"Uh, still looking in the woods. Why?"

"Do you think he'll be back soon?"

"I don't really know," I answer truthfully. "To be honest, he's probably still looking in the same places. We haven't found anything out of the ordinary."

Theo sighs. "That's too bad. Anyways, Stiles wanted to ask if Kira's okay. Did Scott say anything?"

Besides Liam and Hayden disappearing, something else interesting happened. To make things brief, Kira was accused of murder the same night. A girl was impaled with her katana, and the oddest thing was that she was found lying in the kitchen of Scott's house, and no one knows why and how.

"He didn't talk about her much." I frown. "Well, except that she has to keep away... he wouldn't say anything else."

"Got it. I'll see you later?"

"Yeah. In about five seconds."

The call ends and I find myself looking down at my phone, staring at Theo's name there. My heart flutters at the thought of him and how we just spoke. Ever since last night, he's been acting closer to me, but nothing has really changed. We kissed around fifteen hours ago (yes, I counted), and we haven't brought it up at all, but I don't mind. In my opinion, it would be awkward to do that. Still, I want to confirm if what he really told me yesterday was true about him liking me. It's unbelievable that it's real, but that's what I remember him saying, and I surely wasn't just imagining it.

I finally reach Scott's home and walk up to the porch. Knowing that the door is usually unlocked, I immediately reach for the knob and twist it open, only to be greeted by Theo's eager face.

Mildly surprised at his appearance, I say, "Oh, hi-"

Instead of a response, Theo pulls me by the wrist. I am forced to stumble forward and his lips connect with mine, taking me by surprise yet again. Like last time, I just go with it, kissing him back with much enjoyment and not pondering on 'what are we' like most people worry about. Sure, I would like an actual relationship with someone, but for the meantime, this seemed good. With many problems still unsolved, I can focus on having a genuine relationship with someone later on.

Theo's hands find their way to my waist again and mine go up to his hair. It's soft and just makes me love this moment even more as he slowly kisses me. But when the door behind him swings open again, we have to stop.

Moonlight ☾Theo Raeken || Teen Wolf [1] (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora