Back from the Dead

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This the sequel to my last story Prehistoric Romance and I only have one question.

Pacifica P.o.V
Dipper and familiar person. He looked goth but a little bit like a rock star. Hey Pacifica. Dipper said hugging me. Your back, but who's this guy? I asked hugging back and letting go. Can't believe you don't recognize me, I Robbie remember. He said opening his jacket showing a heart with stitches on it. Oh right you dated that girl with pink hair and purple hair. Her name is Tambry and we are married now and have a kid named.... He was cut off. Dad you finally got here, I missed you. The little girl with long black hair said. I missed you two Bailey, how's your mom. He said hugging her. She's doing well but what did you bring me? Oh right I bought you a pair of heart earrings from my bands gift shop. Thanks dad I love them. She said putting them on.

Wait he's your dad, well I can see the resemblance. I said walking around them. So who's the hot brunette over there? Of that's Jezebel, but her boyfriend will not be happy with someone flirting with her. Dipper explained to him. Who cares I can take him, if he's one of your friends I'll be a upgrade. He said walking over to her. Dad, seriously he's not like that. Bailey said pulling on his jacket. What do you mean not like that?

She means that he has a big temper and he doesn't like guys he doesn't know even talking to her. I told him. I be married but I'm also divorced so can be around any girl I want and he can't stop me. He walked over to her and put his arm around her. But she didn't do anything but she scooted. But he pulled her closer. Dipper walked over to him to get him to stop before Christan got back. But he didn't listen, he just attempted to kiss her. But then I heard a engine and I was scared out of my mind of what's about to happen.

Oh crap. Dipper, Christan is almost here. I screamed running up to Dipper. What, he's almost here, He's going to kill him. Dipper said out loud. He's going to do what !?!?! Bailey said running up to us. Oh I forgot to tell you he has magical powers so that really gives him and a big advantage against your dad. Magic, there is no such thing as magic. She said not believing us. Okay but when you see it you'll understand.

By the time we finished saying that he was here. He got off his bike and still had his helmet on. He started to take it off walking over to us. Hey Paz so how did it..... He stopped because Robbie was still trying to kiss Jezebel. His eyes started to change blue and he started to twitch. Christan calm down. I said. He didn't listen, I then saw his hair start to change from black to blue. Um.....what's happening? Bailey asked scared. So this is the guy you were talking about, he doesn't look like much. Robbie said getting off the couch.

Shut up, you don't want to make him anymore angry than what he is already. What's he gonna do, he should realize that he can't keep her. He said making him get even more angry. Please Christan calm down, think of something sad or happy or anything but just stay calm. Whatever we said it didn't get threw to him, he just got even more angry.

I-I-I'll t-try. He said scaring us. Wait you can control yourself? No b-but I can t-t-try. He said demoting back to his normal self. Well that was close. Dipper said wiping his forehead. Not like you guys had to worry about anything, but now I can get back to what I was doing. He said kissing Jezebel on the lips. [Start the song now at the top] When Christan saw it he exploded with anger. Whoa, this crazy. Bailey said covering her face. This is bad, he's transforming into his fourth stage. Fourth what? Robbie said getting up. Basically he's in his ultimate form were he can't can't control his powers and he changes into a whole new person. I explained to him.
[Stop song now]

Bailey P.o.V
So this the dangerous magic you were talking about. I said walking slowly over to Pacifica. Yeah, we told you this would happen and now he's going to kill someone probably. But the only person he would want to kill is......Daddy. I said running over to him. He can't kill me I'm famous and this is nothing. He said rolling his sleeves up for a fight. No, only I can stop him. Pacifica said trying to get to him but the guy with the hat stopped her. Don't go he's to powerful right now, he may hurt you. It's fine and he never harm me, he promised. Well he isn't here now, the only thing I see is deadly force that will kill everything in his path. He said. I don't see that, I see my friend that I love so just let me save him. She said as I saw something fly past us. *Boom* we heard a big explosion from behind us. I looked back and Christan had his fist on my dads stomach. I think he b-broke my r-rib.

Daddy. I screamed running over to him. It's okay he missed my vital organs so it only hurt when I hit this wall. But then he coughed up blood. No, your hurt bad. Pacifica said stating the obvious. Don't come near us, I just don't want him to die I just got out of that stupid juvenile center trying to get his attention. So that's why you didn't want to talk about that. ZZ said coming over to us. Yeah but if he dies I won't-. She cut me off. Don't talk like that, me and my brother are going threw that and we haven't seen our parents in twenty years. She said wiping her tears away. That's rough, but your brother may put me in your possession by killing my dad. This isn't him, it's his state where he can't control himself. Pacifica said bending down to us. But this may be the en-. I was cut off by something hitting the ground. What's that?

I ran over to it and it was a necklace with a black crystal in it with a bone texture. What is that thing? I asked. It's a gem necklace, but who does it belong to. ZZ try in on. Pacifica said as ZZ put it on. When it was on nothing happened. What's going on, it didn't work? Let me try it. I said putting it on. When I put it on my eyes started to change from black to white and my hair. Wait you get a gem necklace, but that makes no sense. I guess it's a Bailey Thing. But what's my power? Raise your hands and see what happens. I did what I was told and I started to see skeleton hands come out of the ground. Not to long until a bunch of skeleton people were above the ground. Holy crap, I got me an army. I said with joy. Awesome power but try to using them to beat Christan. Pacifica said gesturing to him. Okay, attack I guess. I said as they started to run to him. He didn't even move, he just kept walking to us with those cold eyes. But then I noticed Pacifica was behind him.

Pacifica P.o.V
I used Baliey's army as a distraction for me to calm him down. This going to hurt. I said as I turned him around and kissed him on the lips. His hair started to morph back to normal. I eventually found myself accidentally making out with him. But my felt like my mouth was on fire. I released the kiss and I started to blow out a lot of smoke. That's a lot of smoke, but want to see something cool. He said pointing to the smoke cloud. He shot something at it and it exploded into a bunch of colorful lights, like fireworks. Wow so beautiful. ZZ said walking over to us. When did you learn how to do that? Bailey asked walking over to us. It's good but save it for the Fourth of July. Dipper said walking over to us. Then Jezebel came over and hugged him. I'm sorry, I couldn't stop him. It's fine my anger just went haywire. He said before hugging her. So what now? Bailey asked. Well sense you now have one of those necklaces you are apart of this team.
a new member, interesting. Well Christan ever be able to control his powers or will he destroy the world with it.




And regret nothing
StarLord out PEACE

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