Day 50

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Thanks to @flopsflips and @RiahPTV! U guys r awesome! ♥

Vic's POV

I smiled to myself as I combed out my hair and waited for Kellin to get ready. He walked out in a black button up and black skinny jeans, looking absolutely perfect as usual.

He took my breath away.

He always did.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets and squeezed the velvet box. I would ask him right after our very romantic date tonight... And, hopefully, he'll say yes.

..I hope he says yes...


I helped Kellin out of the car and locked my arm with his, causing him to giggle.

"Fuentes." I said when we got up to the front. The guy looked between us, looking over both shoulders, and nodding. "Right this way, Mr. Fuentes..."


He set our stuff down and left. Kellin and I sat across from one another, "What a weirdo...." Kellin mumbled. I chuckled, "Gave me the wrong vibe, ya know?" I nodded. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, "I love you, Kells..."

He blushed and bit his lip, smiling. "I love you too, Vic." These past few weeks (I never mentioned that what it says Day whatever its just a different chapter, not actually a day. Sorry, forgot to say something. Read on :) ) have been rough. I mean, most of the school had heard about the video. Girls asked Kellin tons of questions, teachers asked me how it happened, and even some of Jaime's online friends had seen it.

A girl, who looked oddly familiar, walked to our table. "Hi, I'm Valerie, I'll be your waitress tonight." That's when it hit me.

She's the girl Beau cheated on me with... That was Lights.

Kellin and I ordered our drinks and I sighed, "That was Lights." Kellin's eyes went wide. "Really? Wow..." His nose scrunched up and he shuddered.  


Dinner went well. "Hey, babe, I have to go to the bathroom." Kellin said, squeezing my hand. I nodded and pecked his lips quickly, "I'll meet you outside, baby..." He nodded and ran off.

I walked out and leaned against the wall in the coolish air. It was a beautiful night... Some guy walked up to me, who? I have no fuckíng clue.

"Hi, cutie~..." He failed at flirting. I chuckled, "I'm, uh... Not interested. I'm waiting for my boyfriend." I said. "I'm Luke." I just shrugged him off. I already said I wasn't interested, what the hell. He put a hand on my chest and leaned in, his lips over mine.

Now, this kkd may have been small but he was strong as fúck. He pressed his lips to him and held me against  the wall. I had tried to push him away, but failed.

Then, there was a horrified gasp...

Kellin's POV

I walked out and really wished I hadn't. Vic was against the wall with some lod kissing him.

But he wasn't pulling away.

I gasped and looked horrified. The boy pulled away and smirked. "C'mon, Viccy~... Let's go have fun  like we always do." He said. What?!

I glared, "What the hell?! I don't even know you! Kells, please..." Vic looked desperate. Is that why he took me on this nice date? Because he was guilty? "Stop kidding, Vic. Just tell him what's been going on..."

I ran off after that.

Everything hurt. I ran down a dark alley and cried as hard as I could...

..Then everything went black...

A/N: I'm not evil or anything... Ha. Lie. So, scared yet?

I already know your number one question...

Why is it every time Vic is about to purpose something bad happens?

Because that's drama for ya.


I'm bored.

Andywho, comment, vote, and enjoy! ♥

P.s: No one ships Vany (me and XxDanyDuranxX) like I do. ;)))

♥ily bby♥

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