Chapter Two

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As you wake up next to Hayes you get up and change into a pink silky Paris tank top with gray ripped up booty shorts and once again curl your hair and do your makeup. You slip on your vans and wake Hayes up. Hayes wakes up and hugs you then falls back asleep. You're not able to get up because of Hayes strong grip.

You once again wake Hayes up so you can get out of his grip but instead he kisses you and climbs on top of you and you slide out from underneath him. "Save it for tonight baby" you say because you just got dressed and ready for the day. "Okay baby" Hayes replies with a smirk.

Hayes slips on gray basketball shorts and a muscle shirt. He slips on his red vans also. Hayes then takes your hand and goes to the park.

As you two are walking down the side walk everyone is staring because Hayes is famous and everyone wants to meet him. He keeps blowing them off for you. You stop walking as Hayes does you let some fans say hi but little do you know a fan asked for a stage kiss and just see them kiss but you don't know their lips didn't touch. You run away and run into the nearest bathroom and slide down the wall and cries. Hayes then texts you asking where you went. You ignore him.

You post on Twitter "I never been so sad in my life" as always you get thousands of favorites and re-tweets and spams

sorry for the short chapter•

A love story (A Hayes Grier fan fiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя