Day One

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I never believed in magic wishes and junk until I met her. That damned crooked witch, she turned my life upside down with just a thought that I had. Then again, I guess it's my fault for thinking it in the first place isn't it? I sighed looking down and drinking a root beer waiting for Gumball. To think his mind was gone just a few days ago and now, he's back to his normal baking, annoying, pretentious but cute ways. He was treating me for saving him from the spell of that witch had cast. Like I said, he has no idea that this was my entire fault. I still wanted him and he had no clue about it. It all started about a week ago.

I was floating around, the night new and the day animals fleeing the dark and heading off to sleep. So of course, that's when I wake up. I watched the sun set from a distance wondering how something so beautiful could pain me so much. The sky was transforming to a carefree and worryless baby blue to the dark uncertainty of night, colors fighting each other to be seen just for a moment. Beautiful reds, oranges and pinks, shades of reds, fading fast to the dark of night. The cool breeze of Aaa calls for me as I go and visit my favorite playmate bugging him before he goes to bed. But that night was different. Instead of going to the candy kingdom as usual something called to me. Alluring me, forcing me to detour into the forest. I found myself entranced by it and slowly I floated into the dark trees, effortlessly avoiding the branches, my body moving on its own, my mind was going blank. I should've been scared, but I wasn't. That music, that melody was just too strong, too calming. That's when I saw her. The demon witch Anya. She smiled seeing me arrive as she stopped her music letting me land on the ground as I stared at her. My head was swirling as I waited for something, anything. Instead she came to me and smirked.

"Marshall Lee the Vampire King." She purred. "What an honor to have you here." She laughed and walked around me, circling me, as if she was ready to attack, while I just stood there like a sitting duck, helpless and waiting to be destroyed. I was prey. I was her prey. She smirked and took in a long sniff of my body.

"You're reeking of need and desire." She chuckled. "For that Candy Prince; aren't you?" For a split second, I gained control of my body, my eyes flashing red in anger and my teeth grit. As soon as it happened, whatever this spell did started to do its work, unclenching my fists and my face calming back into this hypnotic state. What was she going to do to him? I thought as she cackled. Did I just put him in danger? Worry consumed me as my body was back to its neutral state, leaving my mind to wander and wallow in concern. She smirked and placed her hand in my hair.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt him. I know how powerful you really are and I'd rather not have you hunting me. In fact, I will grant your deepest desire. I will make him yours." At that moment, I froze; I knew nothing good could come out of things like this. Witches don't make your dreams come true. They're nothing but con artists making cheap tricks and forcing you to believe things like this could come true. And I didn't want her anywhere near Bubba. But what could I do? I was trapped in my own body unable to move or control it. Whatever spell she used was strong.

"By the way, how did you like my demon song? It took a few years to perfect to get higher demons like yourself, but I guess it was all worthwhile if I got someone like you huh?" My lip quivered and twitched as I fought this damn spell this stupid melody, running through my head as I groaned alerting her. "And you still have power to fight it? Wow, you're even more powerful than I thought! But then again, you are the spawn of the Queen of the Nightosphere." At that I managed a small but dark growl. She giggled shivering from the cruel sounds dripping from my throat. "Aw, so cute." She pat my cheek and got back to work. After placing a few more things in her pot that was steaming ever since I got here, I watched her come to me and chant a few things, then all of a sudden I felt something from within me rip from my body, the melody leaving my body as well, leaving me to fall on the ground and writhe in agony, my eyes glowed bright red as rage flowed through me. Whatever this witch was cooking she was going to use it to affect gumball and I couldn't let that happen. I gripped the grass as the last of it tore through my body and landed in the hot pot. She laughed stirring it and chanting once more the steam turning white as it launched from the pot on its way to Candy Kingdom. With rage, wings formed from my back as I chased the steam on its way to the Kingdom not wanting it to get near him, who knows what it could've done to him. I flew as fast as I could, but it was faster. Before I could grab it I watched it go right into him. His eyes and mouth glowed a bright white light forcing me to shield myself from the blinding illumination with a hiss. I was too late and little did I know I was going to suffer greatly for it. When the light dimmed, I grabbed him before he collapsed on the ground. Cradling his head softly, remorse filling my body. If only I had stayed on the path, if only I went straight to him, if I hadn't let that spell get to me. None of this would've happened. This was my fault and I was going to take responsibility for it. And I started, by carrying him to the bed. I floated up the stairs and lay him down petting his pink gummy head. I loved him so much, even after we broke up so long ago. The things we've done in this room haunted me to my very core, warming me up after for so long. The way his body felt under mine, how he tried to kiss my neck when he was so enveloped in pleasure without moaning out, how he shivered when he came, and those beautiful noises he used to make as I pounded him ruthlessly. The tired yet blissful face he has in the morning when I play with him all night. The scratches he clawed down my back, everything burned through me as I gripped my hair wondering what the hell that witch did to him. I waited all night shielding me from the sun that was fast approaching as I sat back in my chair and watched him waiting for him to wake. After a few moments, his eyes fluttered open as he looked around realizing he was moved to the bed. That's when he spotted me. Remembering the last time I did something like this, the normal thing for him would've been to scream and throw something at my face as he nagged me for watching me when I slept just to frighten me. Instead, he rolled over and curled under the blankets.

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