13. Bumps in the Basement

Start from the beginning

"You are drunk." she stepped closer to smell him. "Oh for the...you stink worse than a chamber pot."

"Really?" Kole lifted his arm to smell under his armpits.

"Koltin," she reprimanded and grabbed his wrist, yanking his arm down. The sharp inhalation hung between them for a moment, colder than the night air. Her scowl faded. Taking a step closer, her eyes flicked over him in the dull light. "Koltin what happened? Where have you been?" Her hand lifted reflexively, tracing the edge of a cut she could make out on his cheek.

He pulled away from her touch, swaying. The few steps he took away from her were clumsy and slow. The couch groaned as he deposited his weight onto its old cushions. Sera pursed her lips and stormed over to the fire. She threw wood in and began poking and blowing furiously.

"The least you could do is tell me. I have been worried sick, growing angrier by the minute while you have been drinking, likely gambling from the looks of you. Was Chase with you? I'd expect more from him. But you. You're prone to the occasional lapse in judgement. I've been dealing with your mischief long enough to know a Koltin plan when I see one. What was it this time? A dare?"

There was adequate light for her to see him move his gaze to her. She looked him up and down. His face was bruised and swollen and his usual piercing eyes were fogged with pain and alcohol. Her heart threatened forgiveness and pity, but she focused on the worry and the fear she had so recently felt. She could love him later, for the moment he deserved nothing but her ire.

"You're filthy."

"Sera," he moaned. His long fingers ran through his short hair, forming rivers between the strands before they snapped back to their rightful place. "Aye, I have been gambling. As for the reason can you not trust that I had a good one?"

"I trust you when you are sober."

Kole splayed his fingers. "I started sober, if that makes a difference."

"Were you sober when you received those bruises?"

The sound of him clicking his knuckles joined the revived fire's snaps. "Would you believe me if I told you Chase swung me into a wall?"

She arched a brow. "A wall? Made of flesh perhaps?"

"Made of bricks."

"I see." Her gaze followed his bruised knuckles. "Tell me, does this wall need tending? I am more in the mood to see to an honest patient than a lying one."

Kole leaned his body back with a wince. "You may find it a little less appreciative. You should see it. I left quite an impression."

She hid her smile by turning around to the fire and poked it some more. "This wall's impression on you is my immediate concern. I cannot see much of you, so I have to ask if you think anything is broken?"

With gentle prods he pushed at his abdomen and worked his way up to his shoulder. "Feels like bruises. I can still move so it cannot be too serious. It can all wait until morning."

"No, it cannot. I will not allow you on my sheets as you are."

"Then I shall sleep right here."

"Not bloody likely." She fetched her medical supplies, checked on Hannah, who still slept soundly, and returned to Koltin who watched her silently. "Take off your coat and shirt."

He seemed amused by the instruction, but obeyed without a word from the scowl she threw him.

He needed assistance with the sleeves and lifting the shirt over his head. Once he was shirtless, she studied his bruised and battered body before looking at his trousers. She frowned.

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