Chapter 9

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Liz's P.O.V.

I shrank away from the turtle who resembled Leonardo, the one with the orange mask. My ankle twanged in protest, but I stayed motionless as I stared up at the blue-clad turtle from so long ago.

The one in orange frowned in confusion, turning to Leonardo to ask in an almost childish tone, "Wait... you know her?"

Leonardo seemed greener than usual, his expression of shock matching the one on my face. "B-but... How...?"

Another turtle, this one dressed in red, entered the doorway, and my eyes continued to widen. 

"What the shell?! Another mutant?!" he shouted, and I cringed at the word 'mutant'.

Leonardo gulped, and the red clad turtle turned to him. "How the heck do you know her?! How does she know Shredder? She was there the night of the invasion?!"

"Raphael, calm down!" Leonardo's voice held an authoritative sound. He looked back to me again, and I looked away in embarrassment as I felt his gaze sweep over my injuries.

"Dude, she's hurt," the one in orange mumbled.

The turtle next to Leonardo-- Raphael, he called him-- turned away and shouted out into the hallway, "Donnie! Get your shell in here!"

His shouting hurt my over sensitive ears, as I pressed my hands to the sides of my head, ignoring the pain in my arm.

Yet another turtle appeared, this time with a purple cloth surrounding his intelligent eyes. He took in the scene seriously, before hurrying over to me, as I tried to back away.

"Don't worry," he assured me, "I wanna help..."

My guard remained up as I glanced over at Leonardo with worried eyes. 'Donnie' noticed my uncertainty, turning to Leonardo and muttering, "She won't trust me, but she knows you."

Again, the turtle in blue looked extremely nervous, as he stepped toward me and knelt to my level.

"What's your name?" he asked slowly, calmness laced in his voice. 

I swallowed as best I could with my dry throat, and murmured warily, "Liz."

"Okay," Leonardo seemed relieved to have gotten a word out of me, "Okay Liz, what happened to you?"

"Leonardo," I whimpered again, ignoring his question, hating the wounded sound in my voice, "H-how a-are you a-alive? ...I-I-I.... I saw th-that Sh-Shredder t-take you down."

At that, he paled. He inhaled sharply, starting again, "Liz, I know you have a lot of questions, but please. Can you tell me what happened to you?"

The harsh, agonizing memories returned from the confines of my mind, making me cower in fear, though the people surrounding me were turtles, not alien robots.

"They...they hurt me," my voice sounded far-off, etched with pain, "They had these... guns, and... a-and they wouldn't stop shooting, and the ooze c-crashed onto me..."

The reminiscing of my mutation began to take effect, as I began shaking uncontrollably, big tears rolling down my cheeks as my thoughts were clouded with irrational dread.

Donnie looked anxiously over at Leonardo, but his eyes were hardened as he continued to look at me.

"Liz, I know you cam do this. Who hurt you? Who did this to you?" he questioned, his collected gaze washing over me and giving me just enough sense to utter a single word.

"K-Kraang," I whispered, before a fear-instilled dillusion took over my mind. The alien robots appeared from the shadows, their guns aimed at me, their featureless chrome faces staring mercilessly at me. I let out a blood curdling scream, before crumpling to the floor and surrendering to my imaginary attackers. I writhed, trying to put a bit of distance between myself and the robots, until my vision went black.

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