She watched him take one step, and then another, and she wished it were that easy for her to just walk away from school. "What?" she blurted, not understanding what his intentions were.

"Let's get out of here before someone sees us," he told her as he stopped a few meters away so he could half turn away from her bewildered expression. "I want to show you something."

She blinked at him and still found herself unable to move.

"What?" she repeated as he gave her one last smile and turned around, already starting to walk off.

"I'm gonna give you reasons," she heard him tell her as she watched him slowly get further and further away. "Reasons why you should stay." 

By that point, his voice already grew distant.

"I don't even know you're name!" she had to call out to him since he was now three whole cars away from her and if she were to follow him, she'd have to run to catch up since it didn't look like he were about to slow down or stop walking any time soon.

He glanced at her over his left shoulder, hair momentarily blinding him before he pushed it back and said. "It's Harrison – Harrison Smith," he added dramatically with a wide grin.

The last school bell rang from behind her and hearing it made her heart stop and start before she soon found herself running towards the brown headed, green eyed boy she'd never once spoken to up until now.

Her palms were sweating and her heart was thumping against her chest by the time she caught up to Harrison Smith who walked as if he had all the time in the world; who walked as if it weren't at all the first time he was ditching school when it was, in fact, Emilia's.

"If you're giving me reasons why I should stay in school, walking away from it is rather contradictory," Emilia couldn't help but inform as they passed an oval and small children's park.

As they stopped at a pedestrian crossing and waited for the red man to go green, Harrison Smith pinned her with a look she couldn't decipher.

"Reason number one," he said instead of replying to her condescending tone as they continued walking again, "being able to cut school when you have crappy days without anyone stopping you."

"My parents stop me," she muttered, hairs standing on end at the thought of her parents finding out about her rebellious act of cutting school with a boy, no less.

He glanced at her and turned them into a street that Emilia scrutinized apprehensively, wondering why in the world she chose to follow him instead of enduring the six and a half hours of hell – sorry, school.

Her heart continued thumping wildly and it wasn't at all due to the tall boy beside her.

Not liking the silence that settled between them, she asked him where he was taking her but for the second time in less than five minutes he smoothly ignored her.

"Let's find something to eat," Harrison Smith said instead.

Her growling stomach didn't disagree with him.

After ten minutes of silence between them yet again, nothing but the sound of vehicles driving by and her own thoughts causing her to regret her decision of leaving school even more and more, Emilia soon found herself in front of McDonalds.

She wrinkled her nose and stared at him but she's met with the sight of his back considering he was already opening the door and heading inside without bothering to wait for her.

She followed him in, not knowing what else to do, and said, "Seriously? Here?"

He grinned and held her gaze only to find that after a heartbeat she'd look away. "What's wrong with some good ol' Maccas?"

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