Chapter 7

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"Ms.Ross! Hi Ms. Ross! It took me such a long time to convince my guidance counselor  to switch me to your class!" I yelled to her as I walked inside of her class room.

"Nylah! Hi sweet heart it is a pleasure and honor to have you in my class once again. How are you?" Ms. Ross smiled as I told her about how excited I was to be a part of her class once again. She stared at me for a moment and than looked down at my clothes. 

"Nylah.. I am happy that you are doing well.. I do know that this is not my place to ask you as a teacher to you.. But Nylah why are you dressing like this..I seen you in the hallway with Lola.. She was in the summer program as well.. She use to be my best student and than when she became a junior here at Brook-dale, everything took a shift for her.. I do not want that to happen to you. You are one of my best students. " Ms. Ross has known me since my senior year in junior high school and was happy that I listened and took advice from her. I shook my head as she spoke to inform her that I was paying attention to her words of wisdom. I pulled down my skirt and my shirt to cover my cleavage and thanked her. Ms. Ross was one of the realest teacher that I had and I appreciated her honesty.  When we finished talking the bell rung and her class was getting ready to begin. I sat at the front of her classroom and watched her greet the students. 

"Good morning class, my name is Ms. Ross for those of you who have not met me and welcome back to the students who have had me before. It is a pleasure to see the new and the old faces. We are going to go around the class and introduce ourselves because I do see a lot of new faces. State your name and state your passion." Ms.Ross spoke and began to look around the class.. "Ahh.. Samuel.. It is a pleasure to have you back in the class.. stand up and state your passion." I looked around the room and noticed that I was in class with the juniors of Brook-dale high. My grades must have skipped me for science.  

"Well okay.. My name is SAM. I prefer that name.Not Samuel.. Please don't call me that... I play baseball.. I am not really a big fan of science and -" He glanced at me and smiled "I am single..." 

"Okay.. That is enough we did not ask you for your personal information. Lets start off the year on a good foot." Ms.Ross intervened. The class proceeded in stating their names and their interest. Lola sat in the back of the class without realizing I was there and stood up. "Hey you'll, my name is Lola Pickins... I am on the basket ball team..........-" Her words were slurring as she spoke and she began to laugh . "Are you okay Ms. Pickins?" Ms. Ross asked. "Yeah , I'm gooch Ms. R, Like I was saying... I like to party! " She began to laugh and sat down. Ms. Ross took a note and proceeded in the roll call. I stood up and the boys in the back of the class started whistling. "Hello.. umm.. everybody I am Nylah.. I am in the Excelling scientist program and science club with Ms. Ross and I am a sophomore here at Brook-dale." 

"Thank you class..." Ms. Ross proceeded. " We will be having partners.. we will be doing more group work due to the change in my curriculum. I will let you choose your own partners because I trust your judgment and your responsibility. The partners that you choose will be your partners for the rest of the year so choose them wisely. All work will be counted for everybody so do not pick a lazy partner because I will not care if you address me and tell me that you are the only one doing the work. No... It is a full grade for everyone. " 

I sat there and gathered my books because most of the time I work on my own when Lola slurred toward me. "Girl.. you should have came last night.. we were so fucked up... Cylia brought us bottles.. we smoked weed and shit... girl you missed out. " 

"That is the main reason I did not want to go... I am not into that Lola... Neither is Maria." I responded.

"Girl, Maria was so fucked up that she went in the closet with some man. He was so cute.. He was tall and his pant were all full!" Lola giggled. " Your sister gave me a gift. I went in the closet with her afterwards." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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