Chapter 6

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It was 7 at night and I was getting ready to go to my first party with Lola and Maria when Elizabeth came in the room crying. 

"Hey mamas.. what is wrong?" I asked her.

"Nyny, you have to leave? I don't want to be here with Cy and Shawny.. And Cy's boyfriend... " She said to me.

"Cylia is going out and that means that her boyfriend will not be here either.. Okay... Shawn is going to go to bed early.. and just leave mommy in her room. "

"But Ny, I don't feel good. "

"I will be back before you know it... Esha is here... And Esha is nice to you right?"

"Sometimes.... But i want you..."

" I love you liz.. Let me finish getting dressed"

Elizabeth ran out of the room crying and my heart began to hurt as I watched my heart in human form hurt. I put on a tight yellow dress and straightened my hair. I was ready to enjoy my self and have a good time.  Cylia walked into the room with a grin on her face. 

"You look good Ny.. I  have always seen potential in you and I am happy that you finally do see it. Where you goin'?" Cylia said to me.

"Out with my friends... we are going to hang out for a little."

"Girl I started hanging out around the same age as you... Ain't that some shit!," She said laughing. "But be careful... the streets ain't no joke for games."

I didn't understand what she meant by that since I was only going to a party. But neither did I care, I was ready to turn up and have a good time. I put a jacket over me and knocked on my mothers door. 

"What.." She said from the door.

"Mom... I am going out." I responded. 

"No the fuck you ain't!? Who is that?!" she yelled back

Cylia ran behind me, "It me ma,Cylia... I'm just letting you know!" She yelled back 

"Make sure my kids is sleeping! You hear me!" She yelled back 

"Whatever!" Cylia yelled back . 

"Lets go..." Cylia grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the door.

"Cylia! Stop! I am waiting for my friends!" I yelled at her. As i yelled , Maria and Lola approached my door. 

"Hey, girl what is going on?" Lola asked me.

"Nothing, just trying to get away from my sister. This is Cylia. " Cylia smiled and looked Lola up and down. 

"Hey.. Whats your name pretty girl?" Cylia asked her and grabbed her hand. Lola blushed. "Its Lola...." Lola responded.

"Come on Lola.. lets got." I said in disgust. "There is no rush... like.. it is only 7.. If you'll wanna go to a real party.. you'll could chill out with me... what you'll tryna' do.. You'll wanna be babies.. Or do you'll wanna hang with the big girls?" Cylia intervened. 

"Come on you'll.." I said. Lola stared at Cylia and Cylia stared at Lola. "I think I'm gonna chill wit' her.." Lola responded. Me and Maria looked at each other. "I am not staying with them. If she wants to stay that's on her. " I whispered to Maria. 

"It can't be that bad Ny.. Chill out.." Maria said back to me.  "No... I am not going...I'm sorry Ria and Lola.. You'll can do that.. I am staying home.. sorry" I responded.

Cylia smiled, licked her lips and glanced at me. "Okay cool.. you be in the house and be a baby. Well... our ride is coming soon.. This should be fun." 

Maria stared at me for a while and hugged me "Sorry, " she whispered in my ear. "I just wanna have fun." 

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