He knew...

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I woke up to someone shaking me. I pushed them of lazily and they chuckled.

"Come one, Yoko. You will be late for the academy." Someone said calmly in a monotone voice.

"I don't care, Sasuke!" I shouted in reply. Sasuke chuckled and left.

I eventually got up and suddenly realised I didn't have any nightmares that night, and Naruto didn't wake me up. I was so surprised, and there wasn't even any breakfast waiting for me on the table.

"Weird" I muttered ever so lightly.

I yawned and went to get dressed. When I was finished and presentable I went downstairs to grab some food. I walked into the kitchen and saw only Sasuke and Aykyo.

" Where is Naruto?" I yawned while grabbing a chair and pulled it over to the counter.

"The academy, I suppose" Sasuke replied calmly.

I climbed onto the chair and reached up to the ramen press. Yes, Naruto dedicated a whole press to ramen.

"At this time? Doesn't seem like him" I asked but misplaced my foot and ended up falling on my butt.

Straight away Aykyo ran to my aid and licked my face.

"Ha.. Loser, I'll get your precious ramen if it is so hard for you.." Sasuke said and he was smiling so much I actually thought he was going to laugh. Well, smiling as much as he could ever smile, but it was a lot for him.

I growled as he handed me the ramen. I stood up and walked toward Sasuke. I sat down, never talking my eyes of Sasuke. It was silent for a while, and we kept glancing at one another.

Eventually I slurped up my last noodle and stood up. Sasuke looked at me but said nothing, we stared like that for a while, until Aykyo hooked into my thoughts and said, "Are you ever going to say goodbye to your beloved boyfriend, or do you wish to take this to the bedroom?" Aykyo chuckled in my head causing me to jump.

I shook my head enthusiastically, to shake my thoughts of the dunce staring at me. He looked confused but just forgot about it.

"Come on, Aykyo. Wouldn't wanna be late would we now? Well...bye Sasuke...."

"Ciao, Loser"

I sweatdropped before throwing a kunai his way, but he easily dodged it. I smirked before running to the door.

"Douche.." I heard Sasuke mutter.

I jumped on Aykyo's back and he leapt across building to building.

On the way there I was thinking of where Naruto was.

'He was gone all night.'

Very quickly anxiety took over me and I told Aykyo to change direction.

We jumped down from the buildings and turned a corner, then another, and another. And many more corners 'till we made it to the forest. I jumped off Aykyo and pulled out my kunai. We trekked through the woods carefully.

The morning sun creeped through the cracks between the leaves. It created a fiery-red haze, that gave a somewhat familiar comfort. Still, this comfort confused and distracted my mind.

The snap of twigs and occasional chatter of squirrels comforted me, but Aykyo looked tense and aware.

Suddenly, a team of rogue ninja jumped from a tree. There was three but one backed up into the darkness.

The girl had long blonde hair and...black eyes. She had no pupils just...black, sick darkness. She smiled, not evilly but somewhat sympathetically.

The boy also had blonde hair, but simple icy blue eyes. He laughed devilishly. He clicked his fingers and the other boy who vanished into the darkness, reappeared with two clones on either side of him

The only problem was that the clones had Naruto in their clutches. This angered me, and I charged at the damn ninja.

The creepy girl appeared in front of me and put her fingers to my lips as I suppressed a shocked scream. She was so fast. I pulled a kunai from my pouch on my thigh and stabbed her stomach.

'Not fast enough though,'

Her lips parted in pain and shock and blood poured from the open wound.

I stood as I was, though in a proud stance. I spat on her and heard her vulnerable whimper.

I smirked but felt a hand on my shoulder. The contact made me shiver and the boy chuckled at that.

"Such a shame...So pretty, so warm and elegant..But never shall I use a murderer of my Nala-chan." He whispered into my ear and wrapped his arm around my waist. I stayed still, yet was tense and waiting for an opening.

He started to lift me. I was becoming frightened. He turned me around and pulled me closer to his body. His icy blue eyes staring deep into mine. At that his eyes widened and his mouth opened. Realisation had dawned over him and it was noticeable.

"Yokoso...Its true...You are alive....The story's...There true.. I can't believe it...Your parents-" Just then, at the peak of his speech a giant paw came down over his face. It pulled him back as he screamed.

Aykyo jumped on him and ripped open his stomach with his teeth, strings on skin and flesh stuck in his teeth. I screamed and pulled Aykyo away. Aykyo was so confused.

"Yokoso, master...I am sorry but he was going to hurt you...Why would you want to save him?" Aykyo asked in a confused voice.

"He...He knew of me...He knew of my parents..."

His eyes widened and my fist clenched. I fell into the dead boy's chest and sobbed quietly.

Aykyo just sat back and stared, dumbfounded.

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