Chapter 2 - on the run

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Sirens scream in the distance as I round the back corner of the warehouse. Moloch is nowhere in sight. Probably had a car waiting out back. I'd break my self-promise not to shred anybody right now if he showed his cowardly face.

For the moment, I have bigger problems. I'm a freakin'  panther running loose in Detroit with cops bearing down on all sides. Oh, and I have no clothes. I'm not sure what would be worse at this point. Stay in my furry skin and slip off into the shadows or change into a naked teenage girl wandering the streets. Either way, the cops would have a great story to tell.

I opt for sneaky cat and slip off behind the buildings. Would the cops start searching the neighborhood yet? And what had that cop in the warehouse seen? I have no idea what I look like during the transformation. Fairly hideous, judging by the looks on the cop's and Jack's faces. But was there enough to identify me? And what exactly are the laws regarding shapeshifting within city limits? I'd have to look that up.

After racing through the  back lots of three empty buildings, I stop alongside a rusty chain-link fence. Voices drift back from my warehouse. The cop is shouting directions. Footsteps scatter. Some head my way. Time to slink.

Detroit is a different city from a cat's perspective. Every smell and sound paints a picture. Had I known, as a human girl, how many rats are always within a few feet of me, I'd never walk these streets again. Now, though, it only makes me hungry.


I pick up my slinking to a slow gallop. My big paws strike the broken asphalt and earth soundlessly. It's still not completely dark, but--

Crap! My date with Grant. No way would I make it. And he'll have questions. Like, where is Jack? Where have you been all night? Why are you a large predator? 

Jack. Those jerks drugged her. What did that do to her head? Well, I couldn't pad up to the emergency room and scratch at the door, could I? And the whole naked option didn't sit well, either.

Before I realize I'm heading that way, the sign for the White Castle comes into view. My car sits right where I left it. So shapeshifter problem #1-- how do you get into your car without freaking out everyone within sight?

I slink as close as I can, peeking out from behind a nearby muffler shop, which is thankfully closed. Someone is leaning against the hood of my car. What's with these punks? I sniff the air and focus on him. Wait...I know this punk.

The punk in question checks his phone, then opens the door nearest me, away from the White Castle. What the hell? But no time for looking in the mouth of gift horses and all that. I crouch, take one last look, listen, and sniff to confirm no witnesses, leap, and race toward the car, slipping through the door just before he slams it shut. I hop into the back seat and cower down. Well, as much as a large panther can cower in the back of a Matchbox car.

The passenger door opens and Antonio hops in. "You make a hot cat!"

How does this idiot know I won't kill him?

"I know you won't kill me." He holds up a plastic bag. "Not if you want some clothes."

Oh bless you, my stupid, stupid little friend. I open my mouth to warn him to keep his eyes averted, then remember I'm all feline. So I just give him a nice hiss.

"Eyes are shut." He clamps a palm over his face. "Tell me when it's safe."

He's all I've got at the moment, so I have to trust him. I close my eyes as well and concentrate on slowing my heart rate, then my breathing, picturing Darla the short and sweet. Well...short. Pain rips through my trembling skin and I groan, which sounds more like a growl. The velvety black hair on my body recedes and I shrink back into girl-form. After a few seconds, it's over. And I'm exhausted.

Cat's Out - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now