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Ok 2 things.

Yes I know I haven't awnsered those questions yet. I promise I'll get to them. My phone has been acting up when I have WiFi so it's making it difficult to even update.

Also, I got tricked.....my best friend is now obsessed with lemons. (Not the fruit type) well we were playing truth or dare........she dared me to read a damn undertaker x reader lemon. 0/////0 (Black butler) someone help me! My crush called me innocent, and I wanna stay like that! :'(

Well, I'll try to update soon. Shoutout to therejected2515. She's awesome and a great friend. I can not thank her enough for talking to me.

Luv u guys! Bia~

ask masky and Toby (ticcimask)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu