Chapter 14

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A/N ok I realise I didn't get five votes, but decided to update anyway, from now on I don't think I'll ask for votes, I'm just going to keep updating and if you like it hopefully you will vote.

Claire x

We had just been relaxing all day, and now we were getting ready to go to the results show. I could still tell JJ wasn't himself, but he's better than last night. I think it's partly because he's acting like it doesn't bother him because he knows Josh, Jaymi and George might say something, but I've tried to reassure him that if they say anything they'll be sorry.

"Ready" Josh said finally as we were all waiting for him so we could leave. "Ok let's go" George said taking my hand and heading towards the lift. We arrived at the studio and once again went to their dressing rooms, they weren't as nervous tonight because they knew that no matter what they did it wouldn't change their result, apart from tweeting the voting numbers over and over. Their fan base was already growing and they had nearly 80,000 followers, which is crazy for the first week of live shows. As we waited we talked about our plans for tonight and eventually decided on where to go. "Woo can't wait now" Josh said happily. The time passed quicker than I expected and I waited backstage for the results. "First act through is......." Dermot began "Ella Henderson" she was quickly followed by Kyle getting through among a few others. "And last act going through to next week is........" If I was nervous for them last night, I was three times worse now. There was one guaranteed place left. "Union J" he finished and the crowd erupted. The boys ran off the stage after sharing a group hug, and again smothering me with hugs when they reached me. "Aw guys, I'm so happy for you, you deserved it so much" I smiled. They held the hug for a few minutes and then took to twitter to thank everyone who voted. "now we have to focus on next week" Jaymi said. "well we'll be enjoying tonight first" Josh said, I don't know why he was so eager to go out, but then again it's Josh. We went back to the changing room and got our things before going back to the hotel to get ready. I put on a tight blue dress and straightened my hair before trying to perfect my make up. For once I was last to finish getting ready, and I joined the boys at the door. "you look gorgeous" George said and planted a kiss on my forehead.

We reached the club and went to get some drinks. I could tell by the look on Josh's face what he was planning on getting. "Josh, not now, maybe later" I said and he sighed but nodded. He handed me a vodka and coke and we went to sit down. When we had finished our first drinks, all five of us went to the dance floor. JJ and Josh grabbed my hands and began pulling me in all directions. "Babe I'm just going to the bathroom" George said and I nodded, feeling slightly dizzy. He returned after a few minutes, and Josh and JJ were still swinging me around. I was laughing at their hilarious 'dance moves' that according to Josh 'attract the ladies.' Maybe that's why he's still single, I thought to myself as I watched his fail attempt at impressing a girl. "Oh Josh you'll never learn" I giggled. "Well excuse me, George was able to get a girl like you, why can't I get any of these?" He smirked. "Well George didn't scare me away with comical dance moves" I laughed. "Whatever, bitch" Josh joked, pretending to be annoyed. "Oi, no one calls my girl a bitch" George said then paused and I smiled at him, "except me" he continued and then laughed at the look on my face. "Shelley, I know you'd never call me that" "no, you're right, you're too perfect to be called a bitch" he smiled and kissed my lips passionately, before we were parted by an enthusiastic Josh. "Shot time" he called and pulled me toward the counter, and despite my best efforts to resist he forced me to do shots. "You're such a bad influence on people" I smiled. "Well live with it" he said handing me another shot.

We didn't stay too long after that, Josh got so bad that he didn't realise I was using the same empty glass, pretending to do shots for the last while. We got back to the hotel and fell onto our beds. "You're my best friend, I love you so much" Josh mumbled as I covered him with his blanket. "Love you too Josh" I said before crawling in beside George and falling asleep in his warm embrace. The next morning I woke early and surprisingly wasn't as bad as I expected. I was slightly hungover so decided to go for a walk to clear my head. I wrote a note and left it on the coffee table before leaving. As I walked I decided to have a look at twitter. I scrolled through my mentions, and replied to a few people who know that me and the boys are friends, but not about me and George yet. I scrolled until I seen a tweet saying 'George has a girlfriend?' And a link to a photo. Oh no, they've found out about us I thought then opened the photo. I froze as horror overcame me. Sure enough it was George with a girl, but it wasn't me, and what makes things worse was it was taken last night.

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