Chapter 13

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At half three George rang and said to meet them at a restaurant near The Fountain Studios, where the live shows were held. We had showers, and got dressed. I put on my makeup and curled my hair slightly, we were going to be back to the hotel before going out because we had to say goodbye to Jess so I didn't go to a huge effort. "You look nice" Jess said as she finished fixing her hair. "You too" I replied before we left for the restaurant. We met up with the guys and I exchanged a quick hug with George before we ordered and ate. The boys were rushing slightly as they had to be back on time to make any finishing touches. I could tell from their quietness that they were nervous, but they tried to disguise it. When we finished we quickly made our way to the studio and to the boys dressing room. They got ready and the stylists did their hair as me and Jess watched, occasionally breaking into fits of laughter. "Did we miss something?" Jaymi asked looking at us strangely. "Nope not at all" Jess giggled. "Care to share what you find so funny?" Josh asked. "Am, it's just I never thought I'd see four guys getting their hair and make-up done to such perfection, it's kind of strange" I explained. "Yeah well, get used to it, we don't intend on being voted out in the first week, but then again it's not our choice" Jaymi added.

As time passed the boys got more nervous. They tried not to show it, but their faces showed it. "You'll do great" I whispered to George, who was sitting beside me on a couch in their big dressing room. He didn't react to my comment, just continued staring at the pictures that lined the wall of the room. "George?" I whispered again, this time getting his attention. I looked deeply into his eyes, which seemed full of worry then kissed his lips softly. A small smile crept onto his lips, but I could tell it was forced.

Before we knew it a stage manager had arrived telling us the show was starting soon, and for the boys to be ready to go on. They were on second last so I decided to go and wish Kyle good luck. I knocked on his dressing room door and he answered quickly hugging me tightly. "Hmm you seem excited" I smiled. "Adrenalin rush I think" he explained. "Ah well I just came to say good luck, you'll be great, and we'll be cheering you on from the audience." "Thanks Chrissy, means a lot, oh and wish Union J luck for me, I've gotten to know them a bit more recently and they're not too bad." "Well I'm glad you're starting to see their good side, I love them guys, not just George but all of them, they're like brothers to me." "Yeah, but they can't replace me" he smiled. "No one could" I replied. "Anyway I better get going, we have to be in our seats in five minutes." I said and hugged him once more.

I made my way back to where the guys and Jess were. "We have to go, but we'll be back to wish you luck before you go on ok?" I asked and they nodded silently. "Try to forget about your nerves, you're going to smash it, I can tell, and anyway whatever happens, I'm so happy for you already, you've come this far and you can go further you just have to believe in yourselves a bit more" I smiled warmly before hugging them all tightly then having a group hug between the seven of us. "Chrissy we better get going" Jess said and we left to get our seats.

A few minutes after me joined my mum and sister in the audience, Dermot O'Leary took to the stage,welcoming the audience and judges. He spoke a few words before welcoming the first contestant on stage, a young girl called Ella, who my sister had become friends with. She was amazing and I couldn't believe she was only 16, her voice was so powerful. She was quickly followed my another act, Christopher. He was alright, but wouldn't be the sort of thing I listen to. "And next up we have Kyle" he boomed into his mic. I stood up cheering and had a huge smile across my face. As expected Kyle did fantastic and both Tulisa and Nicole were on their feet along with a huge applause from the audience. Great comments were given from all four judges and I could see the look of excitement on Kyle's face. Now that that was over I had to focus on Union J's performance. Another few contestants sang, and all did really well and now there was another break coming up. "Join us after the break where we'll be seeing Union J and James Arthur performing" Dermot said and me and Jess took it as our cue to go wish them luck. We walked backstage again and bumped into the boys making their way towards the entrance of the stage. I swung my arms around George's neck as he took my waist and we hugged tightly. "Relax, it'll be fine, you're much better than a few of the other people who've sang already" I whispered still in his grip. "Doesn't mean we won't mess up" he shrugged. "You won't, your nerves will disappear when you walk out on stage and it'll be adrenalin" I reassured him. I hugged the others again and as they were about to leave I grabbed George's hand. He turned and looked at me, slightly confused. "I love you" I said. A smile spread across his face and he immediately looked happier. "I love you too Chrissy" he called as he was being pulled closer to the stage by stage managers. I stood in shock at the feeling I got when he said that. It was like a part of me lit up and sent an electric current through my body. I knew deep down he loved me, I guess, but hearing him say it just made it so much more real. "Come on, we'll miss their performance" Jess tugged my sleeve dragging me back to our seats. As we sat down Union J had already taken their places on stage and the music was about to begin. Suddenly they began to belt out Don't Stop Me Now. My jaw literally hit the floor when I heard them, I said the other acts were amazing, but this was phenomenal. It may sound biased, but I genuinely think they're the best so far. As the song was coming to an end I caught George's eyes. A smile spread across his face, as did on me. He looked flawless, they all did, I was so proud. As the music stopped they hugged before standing side by side infront of the judges and audience, who were all on their feet. After a few minutes and after alot of attempts to quiten the roaring audience, Dermot finally got the audience to silence. The judges gave their comments, all of which were compliments to the boys and praise about their performance. When they were asked to leave the stage, me and Jess ran to catch up with them. Without warning I ran straight into the arms of George who held me tightly. "That was absolutely brilliant" I began. "The singing, your looks, everything was perfect" I smiled into his chest. "Think this causes for a celebration" Josh suggested. We all nodded, apart from JJ and Jess who were in a tight embrace having their own conversation. I had forgotten all about Jess having to leave. Neither of them looked too joyous, even after that amazing performance. "When do you leave?" JJ asked her. "Any minute now, my bags are in the car so I just have to wait for Janice and Rebecca to come and get me," She sighed before JJ crashed his lips in hers. They looked so cute, and it was obvious they'd miss each other. A couple of minutes later my mum and sister came to get her. "Jess, you ready?" They asked and she nodded slowly before kissing JJ quickly for a final time. We all hugged her individually and she left. JJ looked lost as we walked to their changing room. He looked as though he didn't know what to do now. "Where we going tonight so?" Josh eagerly asked. "Josh, I don't think we're all in the mood for going out tonight, maybe tomorrow" I said, giving JJ a reassuring smile. He weakly smiled back. "But why not" Josh complained. "Well I'm tired, and Jess has just left, so I'm sure we'd be in a better mood tomorrow" I replied, getting agreeing nods from Jaymi and George.

He finally agreed to leave it until tomorrow, and we headed back to the hotel.

When we got back the boys all headed straight to bed. They stayed up talking but looked very tired. "That was the best feeling ever" Jaymi said and they all agreed. "See told you there was nothing to worry about, they loved you" I explained. Just as I finished George gasped loudly getting our attention. "Guys, our followers on twitter have gone from 2,185 to 19,847 in a few minutes" he said in shock. "Wow that's alot of people" Josh added. "Yeah, and alot of them have their names to do with Union J and their icons as us, and they're asking for follow backs" George continued. "How is this possible, we performed like 2 hours ago, how did this all happen so quick" Jaymi questioned. As they continued to talk about their fame growing I notice JJ had fallen asleep. I went towards him and pulled the blanket over him. He hasn't spoke much in a while, and I can tell its because he's thinking about Jess. Yeah maybe it's only been a few hours since she went, but them few hours are the worst, I know that from when I had to leave George. The others gave me strange looks after I had tucked JJ in. "Why'd you bother doing that, he could of slept without covers" Josh smiled. "Yeah, but I don't think you realise how much JJ misses Jess, and he needs us to distract him and reassure him in a way that it'll work between them even though they don't know how long they'll be apart. By doing that, I guess I was trying to let him know that I'm here for him, and I think you all should be too" I explained, earning weird looks from the guys. "Well wether you are or not, I'll always be here for JJ and all of you, small things like that are what friends do" "Chrissy, maybe that's how it is with girls, but for guys playing FIFA and hitting eachother are what friends do" Josh sort of laughed. "Oh whatever, I give up explaining but just to make it clear, I care about all four of you boys and I'd like to think that you all care about me" I said before crawling into bed, leaving the boys in silence and falling asleep next to George.


Ok I absolutely hate doing this, but I genuinely don't know if people like my fanfic, so could I maybe get like five more votes for the next chapter. I really hate asking for votes but I don't think it's that much, and at least then I know people actually like reading my story,

Claire x

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