Chaptet 10 A Mental Curse Only

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Liesel was terribly humiliated as she passed with her house down the streets: everyone looked at her up and down with fear and hate. They know about me, she thought; they all do.

Wendy tried to reasure her that she was fine, and so did her thoughts, but she couldn't ignore the whispers she could hear like shouts.

"...What is she?... How horrible ... Was she born like that? ... Who would come out looking like a beast! ... The curse is real ..."

She could also see the women looking at Hunter in a way that made her envious. Of course Hunter would deserve those beautiful women, what was I? She shook her head, lowering herself into the seat.

"We're here," Hunter called behind them. "Is that house." He pointed at a big enough cottage with a beautiful garden. She was smiling by the time Hunter was about to open the door.

"Mom ...? Father ...? I'm, uh, home?" There were thuds and bangs and clashes as people inside the house rushed down to greet the person at their door. She saw some girls and a tall boy and two older people.

His family.

They all looked at Hunter; not double-taking neither Wendy nor Liesel. They all hugged him and crued and laughed. When they finally were introduced as his guests, they all stared.

"Can I have her markings, mom?" A redhead asked. Her mother laughed, her resemblance with Hunter startling. "And her hair!" They all smiled.

"Queen Liesel, at your service, gentlemen," Liesel said as kindly as possible. But the redhead only shook her head.

"Princess Ariel, at your service," she looped an arm with Liesel's and Wendy's. "And what may I call you, lady?" Wendy smiled shyly.

"You may call me Wendy, Ariel," the three ofthem giggled.

"Do you want a little tour?" Before Ariel could ask anything else; Liesel stepped back.

"I am a hideous beast with talons for nails and awful markings and all that; yet you want me over?" They all stared.

"Why not?" She asumed it was Hunter's father who asked. "Will you kill us?" She shook her head. "Curse us?" She shook her head again. "Will you stay with us peacefully?" She nodded slowly. Of course she would. "Then why should we fear you?"

She opened her mouth to argue, but no words came. "Come on, then, I suppose you have a lot to explain; of course, about Hunter, yes?" She grinned and nodded, taken by Ariel and Wendy inside.

Maybe these people were just like Hunter. She had nothing to fear, nothing to worry upon. They all accepted who she was.

Hate me because I know this teased you in the wrong way. But I'll be working on it now because I'm done with my last book Your the Realest Person I Know.


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