Chapter 4 Begining of Truth

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A year had been, since Liesel had been turned into a freakish woman-spikes along her body, marks and sort of tattooes and designs in her body-she missed her old beautiful and seductive self. And now, as she looked in the mirror, she did look beautiful, only sharper and darker than ever. Wendy, her friend servant, was helping dress for a dinner tonight, she would, like always, eat alone while having soft music being played, after that, she planned to spend her day in the library, finding a way to turn her hideous self into her beautiful self. Not much that she-the war bells clanged loudly across the whole castle, Liesel's nerves spiked up.

"The old lady...Felisha," she looked at Wendy with big, now gray, eyes, the pupil a very stark black circle. "Go open the doors, I'll be ready on myself." Wendy dashed out the room's door and Liesel made up her own corset dress; everything was easier when you had magic, she guessed. After going down, she was ready to recieve the woman. Beautiful she is, Liesel thought bitterly. Wearing a royal blue dress and her elegant hair down in a braid, Felisha stood by a table, moving something that gleamed in her hands. "Felisha," she said. The other woman turned to Liesel.

"Little thief," Felisha said, not without kindness, though; she had a warm smile, as if Liesel were her daughter and a right princess-Queen now. "How are you doing? Have you a man to marry? At least a little ... friend?" Liesel scoffed.

"Just do your job here," Liesel stepped closer to the woman. "I want change." Felisha gave her a quizzical look.

"Change?" She was around her slowly, being careful not to come too close, Felisha turned and faced Liesel. "What do you mean?"

"I mean," she said. "That I learned my lesson, that I wont do it again, okay? Now, change me." Liesel stomped her foot and cursed herself mentally, only little girls did that. Felisha gave out a giggle and covered her mouth with an elegantly glove-covered hand, sharp nails going out.

"My, my...I didn't come here to change you back!" She laughed. "I only came gere to give you a little ..." She picked at her hand and caught a little dagger, covered in rose designs, the hilt had roses and diamonds and golden birds, it was the most beautiful thing Liesel had ever laid eyes on. Felisha twirled it freely in her hands. "This dagger will suit you when you need it to," she said seriously. "To kill that one who interfers with your marrige, because he ... or she ... will want to kill you." Liesel's jaw dropped.

"So you're saying someone wants to kill me?"

"Not yet," the other woman said casually, while Liesel felt her heart race a little. "But do not worry, you will have something best to fight with against." Liesel stopped pacing and raised an eyebrow, feeling a scar there pull at her skin. "Love."

"Get out of here, lady," Liesel said, tight and deadly. "Love is nothing but a word, like fear, it destroys you. Leave and never return. I will stay cursed if I have to, but you will leave and never return to my castle again." She walked to Felisha, face to face now, she raised her hand. "You like curses, yes? Well, here is one:
If I get to believe in this "love" word as a true meaning, I'll die trying to have it. Because there is no love, this curse will haunt you forever, and ever, Felisha." And while Liesel was shaking and raging with hate, Felisha smiled at her warmly and put her hand to her face.

"Oh, dear, dont do this to yourself," she whispered. "Your curse will only haunt you, not me." Liesel shrugged her away.

"Leave, woman," after Felisha gave her a farwel hug-one Liesel didnt return or react to, by the by-she left, leaving Liesel a bit broken and alone inside. She had her dinner in her room and cried that night. Hoping and begging and pleading that a man would love her like her parents had. Hoping that it would be soon, because she was going to get as dark and bad as she ever had. Soon.

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