Chapter 5 Belle and Gaston

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It was the night Hunter had a feeling he would be meeting his beautiful girl again. He dressed as best as he could-other than his pajamas-and strapped his sword behind his back; putting his hair in a mess of cuteness, he took off. Already knowing his way. A feeling took over him again, but it was different, he felt detached, he truly wanted to see that woman in her dream. That beauty beast. She looked lost ... afraid ... in need of someone's help. And he was sure he could be the one to help someone so different from the girls he had grown used to seing in his home town. Reaching tha gates, he saw that carriges and horses were stationed everywhere. He wondered if someone more than just Wendy lived here-but of course they do, stupid, its a freaking castle. He reached out and closed the gares behind him, taking light steps to the bench where he and Wendy usually sat. Finding her already sitting there, he smiled and sat next to her.

"Oh! Hunter you scared me," she giggled. "You are pretty early, you knew? How are you, by the way?" He shrugged.

"A little better now that I am with you," she rolled her eyes, but she recovered that when he gave her an incredulous look.

"I mean," she said. "That I couldn't possibly be the reason you are feeling better, Hunter."

"You are," he admitted with an exclaim. "It gets very lonely out there in the woods, no one to talk to. To share with. Its very calm and all. But ... I don't know." He looked down at his hands, watching how the moon cast light over them, making them paler than they should be.

"Something troubles you," Wendy said, as if she had found out the meaning to a hidden treasure. He looked up at her, smiling croockedly.

"How do you know?"

"Well, you look like you are mopping over something and you just said that I'm the reason of your joy for the woods get lonely sometimes." Hunter nodded.

"Ah, well," he said with a light laugh. "I guess I'm pathetic at all this "mopping" aren't I?" She laughed out loud, covering her mouth after it echoed through the place.

"Well, yeah, you kind of are pathetic." After sharing a laugh, Wendy offered a walk around, but Hunter dropped her invitation, kindly.

"I must be heading to my home," he said. "It's getting a bit cold around here, I wouldn't want to catch a cold and not see you tomorrow night again." He smiled, at her a tilt to her head, she answered.

"Would you...would you want to ..." She mumbled. "Would you want to go ... inside, with me?" Hunter gave a side long glance.

"Am I allowed to?" He asked, though he wanted to jump forward and through the castle doors like his life depended on it. Wendy grinned.

"Follow me," she said, slowly turning so her back faced him. "I'll show you inside.

Liesel, having told Hunter that he should wait here because "I am going to fetch the Queen, she would like to meet a visitor like you" she had run up the stairs, supressing laughter on his excited face. Wait until he met what a beast she was. He would never return, unless he wanted to marry her-she has a list now. Theo, Hunter ... who was next? Maybe you. Ha! She quickly changed into a midnight black gown, the sleeves rolled up her elbows, so he could see her markings and tattoos. The dress fitted her angular sharp body, it was long, a tail roaming behind her in see-through lace. And her hair was tied up in a braided bun. She looked deadly perfect.

"He'll see ..." She was telling herself. "He'll fear me like he never has feared anything ..." But a voice behind her mind told her something . . . Why do you wish for him to fear you . . . Don't you want him to marry you . . . You want to be happy again ... Happy. Happy. She scoffed, walking down the grand stairs and seeing Hunter not in his place. "What did I tell him? Did I say it Italian?" She grumbled.

Lover and the Beauty BeastTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon