All Hallow's Wednesday

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 That same year Manon turned eight, Halloween fell on a Wednesday. Grandmother had a meeting, as usual, between six and nine. Given that those were the prime trick-or-treating hours, Manon couldn't go around the neighborhood even if she wanted to. Not that she did want to, of course. Grandmother had explained that it was a stupid holiday.

"Manon," she had said a few years ago, "All Hallow's Eve used to have a meaning, back when the peasants needed to believe they could personally ward off evil. Now, superstitions like that are stupid and pointless. The only scary thing on Halloween is the amount of cavities that develop."

Manon hadn't been particularly interested in Halloween anyway, so she nodded like the good granddaughter she was.

Since then, Manon stayed in on Halloween. Grandmother posted a sign on the door saying there was no candy to be found, and if any hopeful child was foolish enough to ring the doorbell, Grandmother pointedly told the parents time would be better spent teaching their child to read.

This evening, Grandmother had paused before heading out to her meeting.

"I expect you to stay in tonight, Manon. No leaving the house while I'm gone."

Manon nodded, not needing to wonder why the extra warning had been given. Ever since Manon had begun her tentative friendship with Asterin--tentative on Manon's side, a whirlwind on Asterin's--Grandmother had given many repetitive warnings to Manon. Though she never vocalized her disapproval, which Manon reasoned must mean it wasn't that bad, Manon has been given regular warnings for obvious things. Turn the lights off at nine, set your alarm, do your homework... Manon never failed at any of the tasks, but Grandmother constantly reminded her anyway. No leaving the house. Manon hadn't planned to anyway; she was going to peek out and watch the trick-or-treaters from the window. Just once, she figured.

After Manon nodded, Grandmother walked out the door and shortly after she heard the sound of the car pulling out of the driveway. Before Manon could head to the living room, there was a knock at the door. Not trick or treaters, Manon knew, because it was the distinct tap-tap-pause-tap that Asterin used. For a second, Manon hesitated. Grandmother had been lenient, for Manon wasn't foolish enough to believe she didn't know Manon sometimes left the house on Wednesdays, but she could still punish Manon for disobeying tonight.

"Manon," Asterin whined through the door. "Lemme in."

Though Manon wouldn't admit it, Asterin was sometimes more persuasive than Grandmother. She opened the door.

Asterin grinned at her. She was clad in all red: red devil horn headband, red jumpsuit, red trident, red cloak, even red shoes.

"Well," Manon drawled, "don't you look...devilish."

Asterin grinned wider, stepping inside.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

"Go where?"

Asterin rolled her. "To Brazil. Trick-or-treating, dummy."

Manon's face, which hadn't actually gone into a full smile but had been on its way there, fell. "Oh."


"Oh," Manon affirmed.

"Oh meaning what?" Asterin prodded.

"Oh meaning I can't go."


"Grandmother says I can't. So I can't. So oh."

Asterin scrunched her nose, the way she always did when she was "thinking." More like plotting, honestly.

"Well," she said, "it's Wednesday. Your grandma isn't here."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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