Part 5

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I had accidentally dozed off in Niall's arms when the stars had begun to set and I now sit in the passenger seat of my car in the exact same position he had laid me in.

I remember how his arms had felt strong and capable under my body and how a faint smell of cigarettes had lingered on his shirt from a previous smoke.

I'm again awoken by the loud sound of Niall clearing his voice and cursing under his breath.

"I uh, I would carry you upstairs but I think I'd better not." He nods up to my apartment where my mother stands at my bedroom window staring down at us.

"Fuck." I stretch out my muscles and turn to face Niall who suddenly looks very pissed off.

"It's not your fault, you didn't force me to leave or stay. She'll get over it....Eventually." I sigh knowing she might never actually let this drop. But I can't really bring myself to care what she thinks being as she's such a great mother and always listens to what I have to say.

He hands me the keys to my beat-up excuse of a car and comes around to open my door for me.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow right?" There's almost a plea behind his words.

"If my mom doesn't murder me." I attempt to lighten the mood with a joke but Niall just sort of twitches his lips into a half smile.

I lock my car and take one last look as Niall revs the engine to his motorcycle and speeds off, quickly out of the parking lot.

I take as long as possible walking up to my apartment, trying to prolong my mom's yelling session. I assume she probably got a call from the school that I was absent and decided to come home early to interrogate me. Fucking great.
As soon as the key clicks in the lock and the door is open my mother is in my face cursing, "What the hell do you think you're fucking doing Mary?"

Under normal circumstances I would have a heated argument with her until I couldn't breathe or she realized I couldn't care less but I was way too tired to even try to explain myself.

"Going to bed." I walk past her into my room, drop my bag off the floor, and I'm about to take off my jacket before my shoulder is aggressively yanked from behind, forcing me to face the full wrath of my mother.

"Who the fuck is that delinquent boy you were with and why the fuck weren't you at school?! This isn't just do whatever the fuck Mary wants to do, you have responsibilities and other shit to worry about instead of ditching class for some blonde bad boy. I fucking know I raised you better than that Mary," she yells.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now mom? Raised me? We both know you did not raise me, you never even wanted a child but here you are with three of them, all fuck ups! Right mom? Luke is suspended from school for selling drugs and Carly left your ass and bailed college to go party with her friends but god forbid mom if I have a fucking boyfriend who rides a motorcycle!" Most of the words just escape my mouth before I'm even able to filter what comes out but I'm not sorry because the next thing she does is slap me across my cheek. Then she just stares at me and waits for me to yell again but I will not give her the satisfaction so I wipe the blood off my lips and tell her to get out.

"This is my house and I'll get out when I decide that I want to. If you don't like my rules Mary than you can fucking leave." She snaps.

Something just clicks in my mind as an answer to my problems. I grab my backpack off the floor and go to my closet as I throw in whatever clothes can fit. I make sure to grab at least one pair of jeans and a t-shirt. It's when I move on to my bathroom for my toothbrush and eyeliner that my mom questions me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She attempts to snatch my pack from me but I tighten my iron grip and pull it out of her reach. I go to my bed, throw my phone and charger inside and toss it onto my shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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