03: Kisses and Strawberries

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The sun light spilled into the room, awakening Luke from his sleep. He rolled over with a groan and rubbed his tired eyes, blinking softly. An arm was wrapped around his body tightly, holding him close to the torso. He knew exactly who it was, the touch all too familiar for him. "Michael" He whispered, turning his neck to look at the sleeping boy beside him with a small smile. Michael slept with his mouth slightly ajar and his hair falling over his eyes slightly. He snored, but very softly, and Luke adored the sound. It remembered him of a kitten.

Michael didn't reply. Instead, his snuggled closer to Luke, his lips tipped up at the side in a smile. His cheek was against Luke's shoulder and his legs wrapped around Luke's, keeping him in place. Luke said his name again with a chuckle, squirming as he tried to exit Michael's embrace. "Don't leave me," Michael finally mumbled, releasing Luke. His eyes slowly fluttered open, peering up at Luke through his eyelashes, "You kept me warm"

Luke raised an eyebrow and bent down over the bed, his lips hovering over Michael's. "Is that the only reason you like to cuddle with me?" He questioned, watching at Michael stared at his lips. Michael leaned forward, his lips just brushing Luke's before he pulled away, leaving Michael pouting. "You can't kiss me, because all I do is keep you warm" Luke joked, placing a hand on his hip.

"Luke!" Michael whined, reaching up to tug Luke down. Luke laughed before connecting their lips, falling back on the warm bed. He pulled away quickly, moving so he was straddling Michael's waist. "I'm glad I'm back" Michael giggled, leaning in to catch Luke's lips. Michael's eyes fluttered closed, his hands sliding up Luke's back before connecting again behind his neck. Luke smiled against Michael's lips, touching his cheeks softly with his palms, holding Michael in place. They stayed like this, just kissing, only pulling apart to breathe clean air.

"Your breath stinks, by the way" Luke giggled as he pulled away from Michael, his cheeks flushed and a goofy smile full of dimples and teeth plastered on his face. "Like, really. I'm never kissing you before you brush your teeth again"

Michael just smiled, a small smile that he often did when he was thinking. Luke frowned and crawled off of him, leaning on his side to face Michael. "It shouldn't be this easy" Michael whispered, staring at the roof of Luke's small apartment. "I don't know...It's just that, like, we've gone back to where we left off and that's not, it's not normal"

Luke blinked in surprised and rolled over, staring at the roof as well. "Oh" was all he said. He continued to look up, even when he felt the bed move and heard Michael moving around the room, finding his clothes. "But," Luke's sudden voice caused the two both to jump, having sat in silence for a while. "But we aren't like normal couples"

"If you mean because we're gay I will slaughter you"

Luke laughed and shook his head. "No, that's not why. It's because you yelled at me, said some pretty hurtful things then just left. But I still loved you for two years" Luke explained, "We were in a band for 3 years, Michael. Not a lot of people can say they were in a band with someone they love"

"I know, but..." Michael drifted off and sat back down on the bed, closing his eyes. "I just feel like it shouldn't be this easy, okay?"

Before Luke could reply, they heard the front door slam shut. "Luke!" The voice belonged to Calum, who was slowly making his way towards the bedroom, "Michael?!"

"In here!" Luke called back, looking at Michael apologetically. They heard Calum sigh in relief before the bedroom door opened and Calum shuffled in, his head down. "You okay, buddy?"

"She broke up with me," Calum lifted his head and the first thing Michael and Luke noticed was the redness of them, indicating that he had been crying, and maybe even drinking. "Mariana broke up with me"

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