Chapter 6

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Pic of Charlottes room/attic

After dinner was ready I set it on the table knowing my dad would be home soon. I went back upstairs to see a sleeping cat and dog on my bed. i laughed and looked back at my purse. my phone and the other package that my grandma gave me were hanging out. i grabbed the package and opened it. out fell a bunch of cash and a note that was written by Ashley.

dear sweetness,

i am writing this letter for your grandmother. even though she cant talk she was constantly moving her finger. she knows hat you don't have very much but she wanted me to get this and give it to you. there is 4,000 dollars in there for you. i hope you have a pain free birthday. i love you.

love, grandma and Ashley.

i gasped at how much money it is. she didn't have to do this. i have my dads credit card plus my job that i do. i gathered up all the money and put it back into the envelope. i grabbed one of the drawers from under my bed and tapped the package to the bottom. i neetly put all my folded clothes back in it and scooted the drawer back into place.

my room was small and unique. it was in the attic and you had to take a seceret ladder to get to it. the ladder was on the oppisite side of the kitchen. you just walke in and go past the kitchen/ living room, down the hallway and up the ladder.
As I sit on my bed I take out my phone and add some contacts. I set all the volume for vibrate. i was so Into my phone I didn't even relize that my dad was home.

My abuserTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon