Chapter 2

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Pic of Charlottes grandmother that is in a coma at side or top of story

I went past the store and went straight to the nursing home/hospital where my grandmother was. I wasn't supposed to go here but I had to just so I could say hi even if she didn't respond back.
"Hi Charlotte, there for a while I was wondering if you were going to be coming or not" said one of the nurses at the home.
She had short red hair and some freckles. She was around her 30 and was well respected at the home. I loved talking to her. She was like my best friend. She would take of my bruises and wounds while u talked to my grandma. She would keep my secrets and even let me crash at the home if I needed to.
"Are you kidding Ashley I wouldn't miss this for the world. I also have something you need to check up on if you can and in going to have to cut this visit short today." I said as I signed into the worker book and put on my id badge.
They hired me for special occasions and such plus they need someone to take night shifts if they call in sick. I might be a high school drop out but I'm one with a very high GPA.
I walked into room 109 where my grandma was. I sighed she looked so peaceful. I couldn't believe that it had been a year since the day I found out how sick she was. I grabbed her  folder and flipped through to see how well she has improved. I sat down in my usual spot and let Ashley work in my brushed torso.
"So I see that she has been able to move her fingers to answer questions. That's good improvement. "
"Yes she has been very talks lately.  Would you now why possibly." Ashley said with a grin as she looked up at me.
"No I wouldn't. Your just gonna have to tell me."
Ashley stood up and grabbed a box from Doris's (my grandmas name) dresser. I looked surprised it wasn't I special day. Or maybe it was.
"What's this for? I said as I suspiciously took the box and looked at the card connected to the ribbon.
"It's your birthday sweetie. Your grandma wanted you to have it and also this." She said as she handed my a folder.
It couldn't have been my birthday. I can't believe I forgot my own birthday. I opened the card and smiled.
            Happy 17th birthday love. Hope you have a wonderful time and spend lots of money. I'm hoping to get a call from later tonight. This present might help that a little bit.
                         Mom and grandma
I cried  at the fact I would never get to have a call from her again. in a week it would be a five year anniversary of the divorce. we would wright letters until my dad decided he had had enough. then it was court cases and lies.

I looked up at my grandma and gave her a hug. i cried a little in her shirt and thanked her. she moved her hand once signalling yes or okay. i looked up at Ashley and gave her a slight smile. she just handed me the package and the present. she walked away before saying call me. i gave her a weird look because she now's that i don't have a phone to call her on.  i knew that my mom must have dropped the package of at the home earlier. i opened the box and screamed with joy.

"omg, omg, omg. you got me an iphone". i screamed while holding it.

Doris tapped her hand twice signaling no.

"mom got me an iphone?"

one tap.

why would she do that. she knows the consequences if she got caught or seen by my dad. and they wouldn't be just her consequences they would hurt me to.

i looked back at my grandmother and her finger was motioning to the other package. i went to grab it and open it when i heard someone running down the hall. Ashley ran in and took a big breath motioning towards the front entrance. i ran over to the door and saw my dad. i was surprised because he never came here. he must have seen my car outside and thought i was here. i quickly grabbed my new phone and the other package and stuffed them into my bag. i ran to the bathroom taking the box and rapping paper with me. i shut the door just as i heard my dad talk to Ashley. 

"Where is she. my daughter, i know shes here. you better tell e or i will do a law suit." he yelled while slamming the door to the closet next to me.

i jumped and looked around. there was another door it could be to risky though. i knew it had to lead somewhere and i really didn't want to be here when my dad came. i opened the door a little and saw another patient that's been here longer then my grandma. i opened the door all the way and closed it silently. i looked out the door and ran for it when i new it was safe. when i got to the main entrance i pushed the doors with a tear rolling down my cheek. i ran over to my car and saw he had don something to the tires. the car was lopsided. i ran to the other side and saw he had taken the tire out and left it there. i scrambled over to the tire and put it back in place. i grabbed the bolts and screwed them on as best i could. i would be going to Walmart anyways so they could just help me as best as they could. i ran back over to the drivers side and jumped in. i looked in the review mirror and saw my dad walking towards the main doors. i slunk down in my chair and drove off. i drove all the way to the store without even noticing my eyes. once i pulled up to Walmart i parked and looked in the mirror again this time i saw my eyes. they were dilated as hell. i grabbed my purse and popped the special candy i had to calm me down. aww the greatness of having herbal candy. i know the stuff is illegal but i bought it to try it and saw that it really helped for situations like this. i stepped out of the car and walked into Walmart. this would have to be a really speedy shop.

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