Chapter 11

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[ shit jess, don't look.

- 11 -

"Can you now tell me the reason why I'm standing outside your house on a really cold day because you called me for no apparent reason?"

I was starting to get fed up with Chase's continues string of sarcastic remarks.

"If I tell you will you shut up?" I growled. He nodded like a little child. I ran my fingers through my tangled hair.

"Okay, you know who Jackson Miller is, right?"

He rolled his eyes, "Of course not."

I glared at him and he groaned back. "You asked for it!"

"Anyways," I muttered, a little embarassed, under my breath. "So, he did something to Natalie and she's really sad, and I'm really pissed, and--"

"What did he do?"

I threw my hands in the air, "he fucking kissed her!"

He nodded. "Um, okay. Go on."

So I told him everything, from when I came back till Natalie came to me crying.

"Okay," he said plainly, "Do you want me to beat him up, or something?"

When my best friend gets hurt, it's time to forget your crushes and play dirty. I smiled evilly.

"Are you up for a prank war?"


Chase and I spent the rest of the night together, planning and fixing our escape routes and pranks. He cackled slightly. "This is gonna be epic."

I rolled my eyes at how cheesy he sounded.

"Okay, let's start from the beginning." I pointed towards the front of the school in my daigram. "Chase, you'll puncture Jackson's Mercedes Benz when he parks in the lot, got it?"

He tousled my hair. "Got it."

"Me, You'll take away his car keys when he bends down the check out why his car stopped."

We went on and on until the you couldn't tell whether it was 11:00 or one in the morning.

My eyes would slowly close, and I would blink them back open rapidly. Natalie was snoring quietly on the sleeping bag I set up for her on the floor.

"You should get some sleep," Chase whispered. I nodded absentmindedly and headed for my bed. When I laid on it, my eyes closed immediately.

"Good night, Jess," Chase murmured into my ears, "Sleep well. You'll need it."


The next day, I woke up to a sleeping Natalie and clanging in the kitchen. Lazily getting out of bed, I slunk towards the bathroom and finished all my treacherous morning work.

Natalie was still sleeping by the time I pulled on my oversized sweater and leggings, and I intended to keep it that way.

I congratulated myself mentally when the door clicked behind me, indicating that I successfully left the room.

Show time, I thought darkly, grabbing an apple and heading towards school on foot.

When I was halfway there, a car honked and I stopped walking. Chase rolled down the window and ushered me in, "Come on Jess! We literally have ten minutes before Jackson's estimated to arrive."

I stepped into the car and Chase passed me a steaming cinnamon roll. I greedily dug into it.

Fuck apples.

We pulled up into the school parking lot exactly four minutes before Jackson did.

"Okay, you pretend your walking towards the east side of the school, take the screw and jam it into his tire."

Chase nodded eagerly and jumped out. I watched in amusement as he whistled and sauntered over to Jackson's car, which was moving slowly. Very slowly.

I chuckled when he smiled at every student he passed, which Chase never does. Forget smiling, how about doing something in the first place?

In a blink of a eye, he had bent down and punctured Jackson's car, leaving a medium sized hole in the tire.

I burst out laughing and Chase ran back to his car. He was barely preventing himself from laughing too.

We both watched as his car screeched to a stop. Jackson climbed out and stared in horror at the hole, yelling at nearby people.

"Come on, Jess!" Chase cried as I hurried out and ran to the other side of his car. The students still in the lot were a bare minimum. I opened the door as quietly as I could, thanking the gods that it was unlocked.

A few grunts came from the other side, probably Jackson inspecting the ground for any sharp objects.

I quickly grabbed his keys from the ignition and clambered out of the vehicle, tripping on imaginary rocks as I raced back to Chase's car.

He was laughing so hard that you couldn't hear him, a few sharp intakes of breath showing that he was alive.

We couldn't stop laughing when Jackson finally stepped into his car and it wouldn't budge.


"He so deserved it," I said bluntly, sitting with Chase at a small table by the back of the cafetaria. Every girl was looking at him desperately, and me with a glare.

"Ha! You should have seen his face," Chase chuckled and imitated Jackson. I burst out laughing, which sounded like a hyena with a cold.

The only disappointment I was feeling was the fact that deep inside my heart, I knew I still liked the jerk that broke my friends heart.

"Oh he's gonna be in for a lot more then a punctured car," I stated.

"Just you wait, Jackson. Your gonna be wishing you never came to school today."


Mhm. That's right. What's that? Update? I think so! This was a pretty fun chapter to right. I kinda ditched all my plans and am writing this entire story from the tip of my brain so ... ya.

I changed my username to my main account, it's know @nightwisps! I rly liked the name, thank you @hazydaze_!

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