Chapter 4

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YOU COULD CALL IT BEING A SOCIAL RECLUSE, but I would rather use the term sexy introvert. You see, men find quiet girls very hot. You're milkshake brings all the boys to the yard? Pssh, more like myopera music brings all the boys to the yard—


I almost shrieked in surprise. Turning off the opera music playing on full volume, I tried (and failed) to look calm as I stared right at Chase. He frowned down at me.

"What are you doing in here?"

I looked around my room. "Here?" I squeaked, my eyes wide open.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Yes, here."

I waved him off. "It's a tragic story, really," I started , sniffling to add effect, "you see, I was walking back to my room when suddenly BAM! My foot just slams—"

"Fascinating," Chase proclaimed, stroking his chin. "Sadly, I really don't care. Now stop being such a social recluse--"

"Ahem, sexy introvert."

"—And move your ass downstairs and, gasp, talk to people!"

"What's that suppose to mean—"

"Now now, I know it's hard but you just have to suck it up and go with the flow."


"I know, this might be a traumatic experience but we will support you—"

"Okay!" I hollered. "I'll talk to people! Just stop treating me like I'm... loco or something!"

He looked like he was trying to hold back a laugh. "I'll see you down in," he glanced at the expensive watch on his wrist, "precisely ten minutes."

With a wink he left the room.


I cringed at my reflection. I couldn't wear pants, this was a dinner gathering. Which means I had to wear a dress.

Dresses were like monsters from the depths of hell.

I glared at my dress before opening the door and stomping down the staircase like I was an elephant on crack.

With a shuddering sigh, I rounded the corner and came stared at three faces (one which I wish never existed).

The room was silent for a moment before Mrs. Hadley's voice pierced through the air like a knife in butter.

"Jesslyn Mallory Walker!"

I cringed at my full name. With two long strides, she pulled my into a bone crushing hug.

"Oh, it really is you!"

I tried to hug her back, but her arms were preventing me from moving at all. My arms were awkwardly flailing in the air.


I can't breathe.

"I've missed you too, Mrs. Hadley," I wheezed out. I looked around the room to see if anyone else noticed the lack of oxygen I was getting.

She finally let me go, holding onto my arms and looking at me from head to toe. She smiled brightly.

"Chase, have you ever thought about dating this beautiful young lady?"

I almost choked on my spit.

I looked over at Chase, only to see him spit out the water in his mouth.

"Mrs. Hadley—"

"Please, call me Monet!"

I cleared my throat and laughed nervously. "You're son and I are, uh, friends."

She laughed and patted my back, like what I said was a big fat joke. "Oh, we'll see about that."

I wanted to tell her there would never be a romantic relationship between Chase and I, but I kept my mouth shut and smiled at her instead.

I slowly walked into the room and sat down on the loveseat.

As if forgetting we existed, the parents started talking about adult stuff. I tried to smile and nod and chime in, but nothing they said made sense.

Chase looked at me and smiled cheekily. I glared at him before turning back towards our parents.

"We were very lucky to catch the deal. That's probably what led us to such success."

My ears perked up and I stared at Chase questionably.

"—two million dollars—"

"Two million dollars?" I blurted out, baffled. They turned and stared at me. I looked over at Chase. His smile had vanished.

Mr. Hadley smiled. "It was a very rare deal," he smiled at his wife, clasping her hands with his, "It's still seems so surreal. My company has boosted tremendously—"

I droned them out, still staring at Chase. He looked uneasy, wringing his hands together, his eyes flitting across the room.

I wanted to ask him what bothered him so much, but I stayed quiet, slowly forgetting about his looks, instead zeroing in on how the Hadley's had magically inherited two million dollars.

Something just didn't feel right.


rewritten :) thank you guys for all the support. lately I've been getting tons of votes and reads, it rly means a lot♡

xox citywalkers

How to be the Perfect Girlfriend #Wattys2016!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora