Chapter 1

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Pic of Charlotte on side or above story

As I ran out of my house I remembered that I hadn't shut the door to my attic bedroom That just means I have to cut the meeting with my grandma short today. As I ran out the door I collided with one of my neighbors. They sent me down to the ground knocking all the stuff out of my hands and all over the sidewalk. I grumbled at the mess that was just made.
"Are you okay, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there" a boy with blonde hair and green eyes said to me.
I didn't say anything in reply just nodded my head. i remembered the second rule my father gave me. Never talk to anyone other then your family. It took me a while to adjust to it but I don't like braking my dads rules. He ended up helping me grab the papers.

"Here's your papers and I'm really sorry again for knocking you down. And if i might ask what were the screams for last night."
Fuck he knows something's up. If I don't answer him then he'll get suspicious. I thought to myself while trying to figure out what to say.
Instead i grabbed the papers and turned around.
"The screams were from a horror move that i watched and thank you for the help but j should be going. " I said frantically as to not let the outside cameras now that I was talking to him. I jumped into the car and drove away as fast as I could. My dads going to be pissed if he saw that. I looked in the rear view mirror to see the boy nod his head and walk away. I slowed down and turned on the music. I nodded my head to the beat of the drum and sang aloud. My dad would never let me sing whenever he is around. Like he said rule 10 never sing or talk when I'm around. I shuddered at the thought of what happened last night. The pane in my stomach started again. I knew there was a bruise there from the punch.

my name is Charlotte and i have an abusive father, a grandma who is in a coma and a mother that i never can see. i have long black hair and perfect eye sight. when i was in school boys would tell me i had the perfect face and body. i had to drop out of school because my dad told me to. i have certain rules to fallow or else i get beet to an inch of my life. i cant move out of my fathers attic until 21 becouse of what the court order sais. over al my life is realy hard but im making it through. Barely

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