People passing by stop to take us in, their curiosity spiked by the scene. Some even take snapshots as they wait in anticipation for my answer.

I see the sincerity floating behind his eyes and in spite of him not having a ring yet, in spite of this being on impulse, in spite of this not being romantic at all, I can't help but nod down at him because it just feels so right, "Yes!" I shout out in glee, the people watching breaking out into claps. "Live with no regrets. I'd be more than glad to spend forever with you." I breathe out, stunned. He'd caught me off guard on this one for sure. "So yes." I conclude, just to make sure he'd heard me loud and clear.

A breath taking smile forms on his lips. He stands up and takes me into his arms, lifting me up off the ground as he embraces me tightly.

Feeling elated, I laugh and return his affection.

I guess this means we're officially engaged.

I send a photo to Lan and it's seconds later when he calls me. "What's this?" He questions happily, "You two lovebirds tying the knot?"

I guess you could say that Landon has warmed up to the idea of Xavier and me. He's still not Xavier's biggest fan, but they get along - in other words, tolerate - for the most part.

Xavier grabs the phone from me before shouting into it, "Yeah and we're probably going to marry in Vegas!"

Xavier can afford for us to get married anywhere and at anytime.

"No!" I hear Landon protest, "Emma deserves something more romantic than Vegas." He insists, the two of them arguing - just like old times. "And how come you didn't first ask for my blessing before proposing to my sister?! You don't have my blessing!" Landon concludes stubbornly, "You'll never have it."

I don't mind Vegas. I don't really care where we get married, so long as we do. It saddens me to think that my dad won't be here to see the wedding. I would have have loved it if he were still with us to walk me down the aisle. However, I have Landon and he's more than enough. He fits the role of not only my brother, but my parents too. Landon's the absolute best - when he wants to be, that is. He's pretty tough with Xavier.

"We're getting married in Vegas you bloody twat, whether you like it or not!" Xavier argues, "So you can either shut up and get on board, or you can be a loser and not attend! I swear 'Ruthless', I will uninvite you! I will rip you from the family list and add you to the guest list. To think I was going to ask you to be my best man!"

Xavier has no other friends. It's like he chooses not to get too close to anyone; I'm fortunate he made me his exception.

I roll my eyes at the two of them before skipping away joyfully. Even their fighting is not enough to dampen my mood. I'm too jovial to even care to put a stop to it.

I'm engaged!

As for Landon and Sarah, they're still together. Sarah moved in with him. They're very happy together. I'm not surprised. I called this happening. They're predictable, in the good sense, when together. It won't be long now before they get engaged too.

The time has just come and gone. I mean, just six years ago, I met Xavier for the first time. I despised him all the while, now I'm marrying the dipsh*t.

Xavier eventually catches up, walking in my stride as he turns to me with a weary look to his eyes, "So the rumor mill has it -"

"Grey?" I question, taking a guess as I cut him off. Grey has to be this so called rumor mill. He's the only one from us with contacts in high places. He keeps that part of his life on the down low - but still, it's him. It has to be.

Xavier nods to clarify, "Yes." He then adds, "I feel like Taylor Swift right now." He grins teasingly, referring to the fact that he'd been interrupted.

"Sorry." I apologize, "What were you saying?" I encourage him to proceed on.

"So JT is going to be back in say, two weeks tops." Xavier starts to explain, "So my question is, what is he going to do when he comes home to find that thee one and only - Aqueela Lawson - is back in town?"

She's coming back.

In the end, she returned home.


Hey all :D

So this book is officially finished.

This story has been entered into the #Wattys2015 for the #JustWriteIt award, please support through voting etc. Thanks a lot! :D  

October is not too far away now - the sequel to 'His Bubblegum Klutz' will be released soon. Still working on a few things. Thanks for understanding. Hopefully this story kept you all busy for the most part of the wait.

Thanks again for everything! :D Truly grateful and appreciative!

Officially signing out of this story for good, catch me in one of my others ;)

Take care Xx


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