Jedi's Prov

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I just texted her. She texted me back. I smiled my brother Jackson had a weird smile on his face.

K: isn't that a little weird to say?
J:No.... You are very beautiful.
K: AWWWW!!!!!!!
J: Will you go on a date with me?
K: um, yeah, I will.
J: Cool...
K: Saturday would be best for me, hbu?
J: um.... My family has to perfrom if you want to see us perform?
K: like in the front row and V.I.P
J: yeah something like that.
K: what time?
J: Jess will pick you up. Text her at 555-467-8723 k, I'll tell her your going to text her k?
K: okay!!! :)
J: goodnight beautiful. See you on Sat.
K: Okay goodnight :)

I got done texting Kyriah. I go talk to Jess. She would do that and wait for her text. Her phone beeped. She told me it was Kyriah. She will be at her house at 4:30pm. So we can have time together before our perfromance starts. I smile. My sister kinda knows I like Kyriah.

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