When the bell for first period rang, the devil himself was standing by my homeroom waiting for me to come out and I groaned. Everybody who walked out of the homeroom looked at Dustin and then me with questioning looks, obviously remembering his little act at the pep rally and wondering what the hell he was doing here. Well, they weren't the only ones wondering.

"What?" I asked harshly. He gripped my elbow and then dragged me to one of the coners in the hallway and leaned himself against the wall with me in front of him.

"I said I would see you later, how are you?" He asked and I resisted the urge to just go off on him.

"Dustin I need to get to class." I knew that Caden wasn't a fan of tardiness and then add on to that the situation we were in and it wasn't going to be very pretty if I was late.

"What to go flirt with your pervert teacher?" He asked.

"Dustin shut up, he's not a pervert and we aren't together!" I told him giving him a cold look and he rolled his eyes at me and when I tried to walk away he held onto my elbow.

"I miss you Diem." He said and when I looked at him, I saw the old Dustin I use to care about but I wasn't stupid enough to fall for that. I knew I would never have the old Dustin again so I ignored his words and just wanted to be anywhere but here right now. Dustin looked over my shoulder at something and then smiled. Before I could turn and see what he was looking at he pulled me towards him and kissed me cupping my face. 

I was in shock and it took me a while to register what was going on but when I did I pushed him away and slapped him. I noticed that the bickering in the halls stop as everyone was staring at us now like we were the most interesting thing on the planet. "Don't touch me again." I told him and then walked away leaving him slightly shocked and furious with my handprint on his cheek. I heard a few of the guys tease him a bit for getting bitch slapped by a girl and I gave them a look warning them that they'd be next and they shut their traps. I wasn't defending Dustin, but those guys were just really annoying.

The last bell for first period went off and I cursed under my breath. Of course! You couldn't just give me a break this one time god? I have to deal with him too now? I walked up to the door and took a deep breath and walked in. 

"Sorry I was--"

"Just sit down, I'm sick of hearing your excuses." Caden said cutting me off rudely and I stood there for a second shocked. "Don't waste more of my time Ms. Reynolds." He said and I took the double meaning behind his words. I thought we were going to be professional about this, what the hell was his problem.

Instead of giving him a piece of my mind I sat down beside Brad and he gave me a small smile. "don't worry about him, he's been in a pissy fit since he's walked in a minute ago." He whispered into my ear. 

"Do you have something to share with the class Mr. Davis?" Caden asked.


"Well then please stop talking." Oh he gets a please, of course he's not Diem.

I Won't Give Up (Teacher/Student)Where stories live. Discover now